- Europeiska unionen
- EU:s ekonomiska, sociala, ekologiska, konflikt- och demokratipolitik
- Brittiska, danska och svenska förbindelserna med Europeiska unionen
- Kritisk samhällsteori
- Planetarisk Politik
- Masterprogram i European Affairs
- EU i planetarisk politik
- Brittiska, danska och svenska förbindelserna med EU
- Internationella relationer
- Forskningsmetoder
- Active Learning
Pågående forskning och undervisning
Min forskning handlar om Europeiska unionens normativa makt inom planetarisk politik, där jag undersöker symbiosen mellan planetariskt ekonomi, samhälle, ekologi, konflikt, och politik. Inom planetekonomin forskar jag om EU:s frihet och social solidaritet med ett aktuellt fokus på EU:s ekonomiska välstånd och konkurrenskraft. I planetsamhället forskar jag om EU:s mänskliga rättigheter och jämlikhet med ett aktuellt fokus på EU:s sociala rättvisa. Inom planetekologi forskar jag om EU:s hållbara utveckling och klimatförändringar med ett aktuellt fokus på EU:s hållbarhet och klimatanpassning. I planetarisk konflikt forskar jag om EU:s hållbara fred och rättsstatsprincipen med aktuellt fokus på beredskapsfackets strategi. Inom planetarisk politik forskar jag om EU-demokrati och gott styre med ett aktuellt fokus på EU:s skydd av demokratin. Mina forskningsmetoder fokuserar på de sammankopplade symbioserna mellan dessa policyer.
Jag har 30 års forskningserfarenhet om EU:s relationer med Storbritannien, Danmark och Sverige. Min forskning fokuserar för närvarande på EU SDG Agenda 2030 och EU-utvidgningen 2030, samt projekt som markerar tjugoårsjubileet av den normativa maktstrategin, inklusive ett forum om "Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics" och ett specialnummer om "Normative Power in the Planetary Organic Crisis".
Min Active Learning-pedagogik använder forskning och ligger till grund för mina kurser på Masterprogrammet i European Affairs, internationella relationer, och forskningsmetoder. Jag undervisar också kurser om 'European Governance', ’Europe in Global Affairs’, 'EU i vardagen', ’Internationell politik’, ’Political Cinéma’, och 'Active Learning in Social Science'.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
JCMS 20th Anniversary Symposium : What does the Arrival of Planetary Politics tell us about normative power and the European Union?
Maxine David, Roberta Guerrina, Ian Manners, Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Michelle Pace, et al.
WebbpublikationPolitical psychology of emotions in European Union foreign policy in times of ontological (in)security and crisis
Ian Manners
(2024) Journal of European Integration, 46 p.817-837
Artikel i tidskrift20th Anniversary Symposium on Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics
Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Michelle Pace, Maxine David, Roberta Guerrina, Katharine Wright
(2024) Journal of Common Market Studies, 62 p.825-901
Artikel i tidskriftArrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
(2024) Journal of Common Market Studies, 62 p.825-844
Artikel i tidskriftNormative Power in the Planetary Organic Crisis
Ian Manners
(2024) Cooperation and Conflict, 59 p.1-18
Artikel i tidskriftTeaching the Russian War against Ukraine : Ukraine as a Microcosm of the Paradigm Shift from International Relations to Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
(2024) Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 10 p.1-31
Artikel i tidskriftJCMS 20th Anniversary Symposium on the Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
WebbpublikationThe External Dimensions of the European Union's Autocracy Crisis
Ian Manners
(2023) The Rule of Law in the EU : Crisis and Solutions , p.49-53
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAchieving European Communion in the Planetary Organic Crisis : How Dominance and Differentiation affects the sharing of Genuine Democracy
Ian Manners
(2023) EU3D Research Papers
RapportPlanetary Politics in the Twenty-Second Century
Ian Manners
(2023) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century , p.271-290
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
TidningsartikelPolitical psychology of emotion(al) norms in European Union foreign policy
Ian Manners
(2021) Global Affairs, 7 p.193-205
Artikel i tidskriftNormative Power Approach to European Union External Action
Ian Manners
(2021) The External Action of the European Union : Concepts, Approaches, Theories , p.61-76
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEuropean Communion and Planetary Organic Crisis
Ian Manners
(2021) Theorising the Crises of the European Union , p.159-182
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCritical Social Theory Approaches to European integration
Ian Manners
(2020) The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies , p.139-152
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSymbols and Myths of European Union Transnational Solidarity
Ian Manners
(2020) Transnational Solidarity : Concept, Challenges and Opportunities , p.76-100
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUnderstanding the European Union as a Global Gender Actor : The Holistic Intersectional and Inclusive Study of Gender+ in External Actions
Ian Manners
(2020) Political Studies Review, 18 p.410-425
Artikel i tidskriftOntological Insecurity in the European Union
BokTheorizing Normative Power in European Union-Israeli-Palestinian Relations
Ian Manners
(2018) Middle East Critique, 27 p.321-334
Artikel i tidskriftPolitical Psychology of European Integration : The (Re)production of Identity and Difference in the Brexit Debate
Ian Manners
(2018) Political Psychology, 39 p.1213-1232
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction to 2018 special issue: Ontological (in)security in the European Union
Catarina Kinnvall, Ian Manners, Jennifer Mitzen
(2018) European Security, 27 p.249-265
Tidskrift: redaktörOntological (In)Security in the European Union : The Emotional Appeal of Populism
Ian Manners
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe European Union’s Normative Power in Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
Konferensbidrag: abstractA Different Europe is Possible : The Professionalization of EU Studies and the Dilemmas of Integration in the 21st Century
Ian Manners, Ben Rosamond
(2018) Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 p.28-38
Artikel i tidskriftTomorrowland : Critical Social Theory of Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
(2018) , p.1-1
KonferensbidragTomorrowland : Critical Social Theory of Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
(2017) , p.1-26
Konferensbidrag: abstractConceptualising the foreign policies of EU Member States
Amelia Hadfield, Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(2017) Foreign Policies of EU Member States : Continuity and Europeanisation , p.1-19
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusion
Ameilia Hadfield, Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(2017) Foreign Policies of EU Member States : Continuity and Europeanisation , p.263-278
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTomorrowland : Critical Social Theory of Planetary Politics
Ian Manners
Konferensbidrag: abstractA Critical Copenhagen Reflection on the European Union as a Global Actor
Ian Manners
(2016) The EU as a Global Actor : 'A Force for Good in the World?' , p.75-102
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe End of a Noble Narrative? : European Integration Narratives after the Nobel Peace Prize
Ian Manners, Philomena Murray
(2016) Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 p.185-202
Artikel i tidskriftAnother Theory is Possible : Dissident Voices in Theorising Europe
Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(2016) Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 p.3-18
Artikel i tidskriftAnother Theory is Possible : Dissident Voices in Theorising Europe
(2016) Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 p.3-202
Tidskrift: redaktörThe International Active Learning Space
Ian Manners
(2015) Reflections and Teaching Experiences from the International Classroom , p.6-7
RapportThe European Union in Global Politics : Normative Power and Longitudinal Interpretation
Ian Manners
(2015) Research Methods in European Union Studies , p.221-236
Del av eller Kapitel i bokResearch Strategies in European Union Studies : Beyond Dichotomies
Ian Manners, Kennet Lynggaard, Karl Löfgren
(2015) Research Methods in European Union Studies , p.309-321
Del av eller Kapitel i bokResearch Methods in European Union Studies
BokCrossroads in European Union Studies
Kennet Lynggaard, Karl Löfgren, Ian Manners
(2015) Research Methods in European Union Studies , p.3-17
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Political Psychology of European Integration : being mindful of Europe
Ian Manners
Working paperSociology of Knowledge and Production of Normative Power in the European Union’s External Actions
Ian Manners
(2015) Journal of European Integration , p.299-318
Artikel i tidskriftSingle Policy Study : Three Variations in Design
Annica Kronsell, Ian Manners
(2015) Research Methods in European Union Studies , p.86-101
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTheories and myths of European Foreign Policy
Ian Manners
(2014) Routledge Handbook of European Politics , p.877-891
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHvorfor er symboler og myter vigtige for europæisk integration?
Ian Manners, Kennet Lynggaard, Christine Søby
(2014) Politologisk Årbog 2013-2014 , p.12-15
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPolitical Psychology of European Integration
Ian Manners
(2014) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology , p.263-278
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEuropean communion : political theory of European union
Ian Manners
(2013) Journal of European Public Policy, 20 p.473-494
Artikel i tidskriftDet europeiska projektet : Politik och juridik, historia och framtid
Rikard Bengtsson, Ian Manners, Hans-Åke Persson, Linda Gröning, Ola Zetterquist
BokEuropean [security] Union : bordering and governing a secure Europe in a better world?
Ian Manners
(2013) Global Society, 27 p.398-416
Artikel i tidskriftThe 2012 Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union : bridging exclusion
Ian Manners
(2013) Journal of Common Market Studies, 51 p.70-79
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing the decennial, reassessing the global : Understanding European Union normative power in global politics
Ian Manners
(2013) Cooperation and Conflict, 48 p.304-329
Artikel i tidskriftSymbolism in European Integration
Ian Manners
(2011) Comparative European Politics, 9 p.243-268
Artikel i tidskriftThe Changing Nature of International Institutions in Europe : The Challenge of the European Union
Thomas Diez, Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(2011) Journal of European Integration, 33 p.117-138
Artikel i tidskriftJournal of European Public Policy Virtual Special Issue on Normative Power
Ian Manners
(2010) Journal of European Public Policy
Tidskrift: redaktörGlobal Europa : Mythology of the European Union in World Politics
Ian Manners
(2009) Journal of Common Market Studies, 48 p.67-87
Artikel i tidskriftThe Social Dimension of EU Trade Policies : Reflections from a Normative Power Perspective
Ian Manners
(2009) European Foreign Affairs Review, 14 p.785-803
Artikel i tidskriftThe normative ethics of the European Union
Ian Manners
(2008) International Affairs, 84 p.45-60
Artikel i tidskriftThe Danish Opt Outs from the European Union : developments since 2000 (Executive Summary)
Ian Manners
RapportThe enigma of Denmark’s new-found europhilia
Ian Manners
(2007) Europe's World, 2007 p.151-152
Artikel i tidskriftThe European Union as a Normative Power : A Response to Thomas Diez
Ian Manners
(2006) Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 35 p.167-180
Artikel i tidskriftNormative power Europe reconsidered : beyond the crossroads
Ian Manners
(2006) Journal of European Public Policy, 13 p.182-199
Artikel i tidskriftThe European Union and the Value of Gender Equality
Ian Manners
(2006) Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy , p.97-113
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEuropean Union ‘Normative Power’ and the Security Challenge
Ian Manners
(2006) European Security, 15 p.405-421
Artikel i tidskriftThe 'Difference Engine': : Constructing and Representing the International Identity of the European Union
Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(2003) Journal of European Public Policy, 10 p.380-404
Artikel i tidskriftThe missing tradition of the ES : including Nietzschean relativism and world imagination in extranational studies
Ian Manners
(2003) Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 32 p.241-264
Artikel i tidskriftThe British Presidency of 1998 : New Labour, New Tone?
Ian Manners
(2003) European Union Council Presidencies : A Comparative Analysis , p.87-103
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEuropaian Studies
Ian Manners
(2003) Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 11 p.67-83
Artikel i tidskriftNormative power Europe : a contradiction in terms?
Ian Manners
(2002) Journal of Common Market Studies, 40 p.235-258
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean [security] Union : from existential threat to ontological security
Ian Manners
(2002) , 2002:5
Working paperThe ‘Difference Engine’ : Constructing and Representing the International Identity of the European Union
Ian Manners
(2001) , 2001:40
Working paperEurope and the World : the Impact of Globalisation
Ian Manners
(2000) Contemporary Europe , p.182-201
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSmall States and the Internal Balance of the European Union : Institutional Issues
Ian Manners
(2000) Enlarging the European Union : The Way Forward , p.123-135
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTowards Identifying the International Identity of the European Union : A Framework for Analysis of the EU's Network of Relationships
Ian Manners, Richard Whitman
(1998) Journal of European Integration, 21 p.231-249
Artikel i tidskriftAn Anatomy of Cooperation : Achieving Common Security Policy in the New Europe.
Ian Manners