- Internationellt samarbete, global governance, mänskliga rättigheter
- Legitimitet och ansvar i globala styrformer
- Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling (SDGs)
Bexell, Magdalena (2024) Indicator accountability or policy shrinking? Multistakeholder partnerships in reviews of the sustainable development goals. Global Policy, vol 15, nr 2 Länk till fulltext
De Donà, Matteo, Jönsson, Kristina, och Bexell, Magdalena (2024) Multistakeholder partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Sources and audiences of self-legitimation in the fields of health and climate. Global Society. Länk till fulltext.
Hickmann, Thomas, Biermann, Frank, Sénit, Carole-Anne, Sun, Yixian, Bexell, Magdalena et al. (2024) Scoping article: Research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Sustainability, vol. 7 Länk till fulltext.
Bexell, Magdalena, Hickmann, Thomas och Schapper, Andrea (2023) Strengthening the Sustainable Development Goals through integration with human rights. International Environmental Agreements. Politics, Law and Economics, vol. 23, nr 3. Länk till fulltext.
Bexell, Magdalena och Jönsson, Kristina (2022) Realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development–Engaging National Parliments?, Policy Studies, vol. 43, nr 4. Länk till fulltext.
Bexell, Magdalena (2022) Ranking for human rights? The formative power of indicators for business responsibility. Journal of Human Rights, vol. 21, nr 5. Länk till fulltext.
Bexell, Magdalena, Jönsson, Kristina och Uhlin, Anders (red) (2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance. Practices, Justifications, and Audiences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Llanos, Andrea O., Raven, Rob, Bexell, Magdalena mfl (2022) Implementation at Multiple Levels i Biermann, Frank, Hickmann, Thomas, och Sénit, Carole-Anne (red) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals. Transforming Governance through Global Goals? Cambridge University Press.
Bexell, Magdalena (2022) Global governance and democracy: aligning procedural and substantive accounts? i Bornemann, Basil, Knappe, Henrike och Nanz, Patrizia (red) Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability, Abingdon: Routledge.
Bexell, Magdalena och Jönsson, Kristina (2021) The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Legitimacy, Responsibility, and Accountability. Abingdon: Routledge.
Transformative Partnerships 2030. Transformative partnerships for sustainable development: Assessing synergies, effectiveness, and legitimacy of UN multi-stakeholder partnerships across SDGs to achieve the 2030 Agenda
The Investment Citizenship Industry: Exploring Power and Legitimacy in Global Governance
Medlem i Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens Pedagogiska akademi, Qualified Teaching Practitioner.
Kurser i statsvetenskap och utvecklingsstudier samt handledning och examination av uppsatser.