Huvudsakliga forskningsområden
- Flernivåstyrning
- Global hållbarhetspolitik
- Klimatpolitik
Läs mer om Thomas Hickmanns forskning och undervisning på hans engelska personliga sida
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Scoping article. Research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals
Thomas Hickmann, Frank Biermann, Carole Anne Sénit, Yixian Sun, Magdalena Bexell, et al.
(2024) Global Sustainability, 7
Artikel i tidskriftFour governance reforms to strengthen the SDGs : A demanding policy vision can accelerate global sustainable development efforts
Frank Biermann, Yixian Sun, Dan Banik, Marianne Beisheim, Michael J. Bloomfield, et al.
(2023) Science (New York, N.Y.), 381 p.1159-1160
Artikel i tidskriftStrengthening the Sustainable Development Goals through integration with human rights
Magdalena Bexell, Thomas Hickmann, Andrea Schapper
(2023) International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 23 p.133-139
Artikel i tidskriftSDGs at the halfway point : How the 17 global goals address risks and wicked problems
Anders Branth Pedersen, Thomas Hickmann, Ortwin Renn, Nicolas Eckert, Kurt Jax, et al.
(2023) Ambio, 52 p.679-682
Artikel i tidskriftSuccess factors of global goal-setting for sustainable development : Learning from the Millennium Development Goals
Thomas Hickmann, Frank Biermann, Matteo Spinazzola, Charlotte Ballard, Maya Bogers, et al.
(2023) Sustainable Development, 31 p.1214-1225
Artikel i tidskriftTackling Risks through the Sustainable Development Goals
(2023) Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 52
Tidskrift: redaktörDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
TidningsartikelExploring Global Climate Policy Futures and Their Representation in Integrated Assessment Models
Thomas Hickmann, Christoph Bertram, Frank Biermann, Elina Brutschin, Elmar Kriegler, et al.
(2022) Politics and Governance, 10 p.171-185
Artikel i tidskriftScientific Evidence on the Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals
Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann, Carole Anne Sénit, Marianne Beisheim, Steven Bernstein, et al.
(2022) Nature Sustainability, 5 p.795-800
Artikel i tidskriftImplementation at Multiple Levels
Andrea Ordóñez Llanos, Rob Raven, Magdalena Bexell, Brianna Botchwey, Basil Bornemann, et al.
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.59-91
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInstitutional Interplay in Global Environmental Governance : lessons learned and future research
Joshua Philipp Elsässer, Thomas Hickmann, Sikina Jinnah, Sebastian Oberthür, Thijs Van de Graaf
(2022) International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 22 p.373-391
Artikel i tidskriftThe Influence of the Corona Virus Pandemic on Sustainable Development Goal 13 and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Processes
Walter Leal Filho, Thomas Hickmann, Gustavo Nagy, Patricia Pinho, Ayyoob Sharifi, et al.
(2022) Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10 p.1-13
Artikel i tidskriftA Multi-Level Governance Perspective on Urban Climate Politics in Emerging Economies
Fee Stehle, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Chris Höhne
(2022) Urbanisation, 7 p.9-25
Artikel i tidskriftDemocratising Sustainability Transformations : Assessing the Transformative Potential of Democratic Practices in Environmental Governance
Jonathan Pickering, Thomas Hickmann, Karin Bäckstrand, Agni Kalfagianni, Michael Bloomfield, et al.
(2022) Earth System Governance, 11
Artikel i tidskriftHerausforderung Nachhaltigkeitstransformation : Mehr Politikwissenschaft wagen!
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt, Jörg Radtke, Sandra Schwindenhammer, et al.
(2022) Wie relevant ist die Politikwissenschaft? : Wissenstransfer und gesellschaftliche Wirkung von Forschung und Lehre , p.143-159
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Study of Global Environmental Politics : Strategies for Research and Learning
Juliann E. Allison, Thomas Hickmann
(2022) Handbook of Global Environmental Politics , p.60-73
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMethods for Analysing Steering Effects of Global Goals
Prajal Pradhan, Detlef P. Van Vuuren, Birka Wicke, Maya Bogers, Thomas Hickmann, et al.
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.172-203
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCompound Urban Crises
Linda Westman, James Patterson, Rachel Macrorie, Christopher J. Orr, Catherine M. Ashcraft, et al.
(2022) Ambio, 51 p.1402-1415
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing the Impact of Global Goals : Setting the Stage
Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann, Carole Anne Sénit
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.1-21
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInterlinkages, Integration and Coherence
Måns Nilsson, Marjanneke J. Vijge, Ivonne Lobos Alva, Basil Bornemann, Karin Fernando, et al.
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.92-115
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Sustainable Development Goals as a Transformative Force? : Key Insights
Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann, Carole Anne Sénit
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.204-226
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking
Thomas Hickmann, Oscar Widerberg, Markus Lederer, Philipp Pattberg
(2021) International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87 p.21-38
Artikel i tidskriftThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking
Thomas Hickmann, Oscar Widerberg, Markus Lederer, Philipp Pattberg
(2021) International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87 p.21-38
Artikel i tidskriftTen New Insights in Climate Science 2020 : A Horizon Scan
Erik Pihl, Eva Alfredsson, Magnus Bengtsson, Kathryn J. Bowen, Vanesa Cástan Broto, et al.
(2021) Global Sustainability, 4 p.1-18
Artikel i tidskriftLocating Cities and their Governments in Multi-Level Sustainability Governance
Thomas Hickmann
(2021) Politics and Governance, 9 p.211-220
Artikel i tidskriftDas Verhältnis von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und privaten Unternehmen in der globalen Umwelt‑, Menschenrechts- und Sicherheitspolitik
Thomas Hickmann, Berenike Prem
(2021) Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 31 p.193-216
Artikel i tidskriftSimulating International Climate Negotiations in Classrooms
Thomas Hickmann
(2021) Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 5 p.29-30
Artikel i tidskriftMultilevel Climate Governance in Brazil and Indonesia : Domestic Pioneership and Leadership in the Global South
Markus Lederer, Chris Höhne, Fee Stehle, Thomas Hickmann, Harald Fuhr
(2021) Climate Governance across the Globe : Pioneers, Leaders and Followers , p.101-119
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDigital Sustainability Education : Potential, Development Trends and Good Practices
Sandra Schwindenhammer, Katrin Strobehn, Helmut Breitmeier, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, et al.
RapportThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : Transformative Change through the Sustainable Development Goals?
Sabine Weiland, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt, Sandra Schwindenhammer
(2021) Politics and Governance, 9 p.90-95
Artikel i tidskriftBook Review: Governing the Climate-Energy Nexus: Challenges to Coherence, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness
Thomas Hickmann
(2021) Carbon and climate law review, 15 p.204-205
BokrecensionThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative Change through Sustainable Development Goals?
(2021) Politics and Governance, 9
Tidskrift: redaktörMehr Engagement der Politikwissenschaft in der Anthropozän-Debatte
Thomas Hickmann, Lena Partzsch, Philipp Pattberg, Sabine Weiland
(2020) Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61 p.659-670
Artikel i tidskriftNew Alliances in Global Environmental Governance : How Intergovernmental Treaty Secretariats Interact with Non-State Actors
Thomas Hickmann, Joshua Elsässer
(2020) International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20 p.459-481
Artikel i tidskriftVisionärer Grenzgänger mit Leidenschaft, Eingebung und Augenmaß
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer
(2020) Leidenschaft und Augenmaß : Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Entwicklung, Verwaltung, Umwelt und Klima – Festschrift für Harald Fuhr , p.13-21
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDie Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung : Eine Zwischenbilanz
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt, Sandra Schwindenhammer, Sabine Weiland
(2020) WeltTrends, 165 p.20-26
Artikel i tidskriftGlobale Ziele ohne Wirkung oder normative Leitplanken?
Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann
(2020) Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen , p.195-200
Artikel i tidskriftInstitutional Interlinkages
Thomas Hickmann, Harro van Asselt, Sebastian Oberthür, Lisa Sanderink, Oscar Widerberg, et al.
(2020) Architectures of Earth System Governance : Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation , p.119-136
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNachhaltig bis 2030? : Die Agenda der Vereinten Nationen
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Jens Marquardt, Sandra Schwindenhammer, Sabine Weiland
(2020) WeltTrends, 165 p.18-19
Artikel i tidskriftBook Review: Beyond Greenwash: Explaining Credibility in Transnational Eco-Labeling
Thomas Hickmann
(2020) Global Environmental Politics, 20 p.121-123
BokrecensionPromises and Risks of Nonstate Actions in Climate and Sustainability Governance
Sander Chan, Idil Boran, Harro van Asselt, Gabriela Iacobuta, Navam Niles, et al.
(2019) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10 p.1-8
Artikel i tidskriftAuthority in World Politics
Thomas Hickmann
(2019) Oxford Research Encyclopedia in International Studies
Artikel i uppslagsverkPathways to Urban Sustainability : How Science Can Contribute to Sustainable Development in Cities
Jennifer Bansard, Thomas Hickmann, Kristine Kern
(2019) GAIA, 28 p.112-118
Artikel i tidskriftThe Embeddedness of Urban Climate Politics in Multilevel Governance : A Case Study of South Africa’s Major Cities
Thomas Hickmann, Fee Stehle
(2019) Journal of Environment and Development, 28 p.54-77
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction : A Political Science Perspective on the Anthropocene
Thomas Hickmann, Lena Partzsch, Philipp Pattberg, Sabine Weiland
(2019) The Anthropocene Debate and Political Science , p.1-12
Del av eller Kapitel i bokStädte und nachhaltige Entwicklung
Thomas Hickmann, Jennifer Bansard
(2019) WeltTrends, 148 p.24-25
Artikel i tidskriftThe Effects of Transnational Municipal Networks on Urban Climate Politics in the Global South
Fee Stehle, Chris Höhne, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer
(2019) Urban Climate Politics : Agency and Empowerment , p.210-230
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusion : Towards a ‘Deep Debate’ on the Anthropocene
Thomas Hickmann, Lena Partzsch, Philipp Pattberg, Sabine Weiland
(2019) The Anthropocene Debate and Political Science , p.237-251
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBook Review: Governance Entrepreneurs: International Organizations and the Rise of Global Public-Private Partnerships
Thomas Hickmann
(2019) Global Environmental Politics, 19 p.175-177
(2019) WeltTrends, 148
Tidskrift: redaktörThe Role of Cities in Multi-Level Climate Governance : Local Climate Policies and the 1.5°C Target
Harald Fuhr, Thomas Hickmann, Kristine Kern
(2018) Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 30 p.1-6
Artikel i tidskriftBridging the Resource Gap : Inter-Organizational Collaboration between the World Bank and Transnational City Networks
Kai Harbrich, Thomas Hickmann
(2018) Journal of International Organizations Studies, 9 p.61-80
Artikel i tidskriftThe Role of Cities in South Africa’s Energy Gridlock
Joshua Philipp Elsässer, Thomas Hickmann, Fee Stehle
(2018) Case Studies in the Environment , p.1-7
Artikel i tidskriftA Global Response to Climate Change: In, through, and for Cities?
Sander Chan, David Gordon, Emma Lecavalier, Craig Johnson, Angel Hsu, et al.
(2018) Duck of Minerva
Artikel i tidskriftREDD+ and the Reconfiguration of Public Authority in the Forest Sector : A Comparative Case Study of Indonesia and Brazil
Chris Höhne, Harald Fuhr, Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer, Fee Stehle
(2018) Global Forest Governance and Climate Change : Interrogating Representation, Participation, and Decentralization , p.203-241
Del av eller Kapitel i bokVon Gegnern zu Partnern? : Zum Verhältnis von NGOs und Unternehmen in der internationalen Klimapolitik
Thomas Hickmann, Berenike Prem
(2018) Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , p.48-54
Artikel i tidskriftGlobal Political Economy and Development
Thomas Hickmann, Markus Lederer
(2018) Global Environmental Politics : Concepts, Theories and Case Studies, Second Edition , p.47-65
Del av eller Kapitel i bokZiele für eine bessere Welt: Besprechung des Buches von: Philipp Lepenies/Elena Sondermann (Hrsg.), Globale politische Ziele. Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick des Post-2015 Prozesses, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2017
Thomas Hickmann
(2018) Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen, 66 p.92-92
BokrecensionCarbon Governance Arrangements and the Nation-State : The Reconfiguration of Public Authority in Developing Countries
Thomas Hickmann, Harald Fuhr, Chris Höhne, Markus Lederer, Fee Stehle
(2017) Public Administration and Development , p.331-343
Artikel i tidskriftThe Reconfiguration of Authority in Global Climate Governance
Thomas Hickmann
(2017) International Studies Review, 19 p.430-451
Artikel i tidskriftVoluntary Global Business Initiatives and the International Climate Negotiations : A Case Study of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Thomas Hickmann
(2017) Journal of Cleaner Production, 169 p.94-104
Artikel i tidskriftHow Global Climate Governance Initiatives Reconfigure Public Authority in Developing Countries
Harald Fuhr, Thomas Hickmann, Chris Höhne, Markus Lederer, Fee Stehle
(2017) Public Administration Review’s Speak Your Mind Symposium on Climate Change and Public Administration
Artikel i tidskriftGlobale Klimapolitik nach Paris
Thomas Hickmann
(2017) Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen , p.122-127
Artikel i tidskriftZehn Erfahrungsberichte zur guten Lehre in den IB und ihre Diskussion durch DidaktikerInnen
Tanja Brühl, Anna Geis, Michael Folgmann, Markus Gloe, Tine Hanrieder, et al.
(2016) Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 23 p.135-160
Artikel i tidskriftTransnationale Klimainitiativen und die internationalen Klimaverhandlungen
Harald Fuhr, Thomas Hickmann
(2016) Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht, 39 p.88-94
Artikel i tidskriftYvo de Boer, 3rd Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2006-2010
Thomas Hickmann, Sebastian Breuer
Artikel i uppslagsverkScience-Policy Interaction in International Environmental Politics : An Analysis of the Ozone Regime and the Climate Regime
Thomas Hickmann
(2014) Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 16 p.21-44
Artikel i tidskriftPrivate Authority in Global Climate Governance : The Case of the Clean Development Mechanism
Thomas Hickmann
(2013) Climate and Development, 5 p.46-54
Artikel i tidskriftDie richtungsweisende Führungsrolle der Europäischen Union in der internationalen Klimapolitik
Thomas Hickmann, Julka Jantz, Markus Lederer
(2011) Europa als Inspiration und Herausforderung , p.63-85
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