Anders Uhlin är professor i statsvetenskap. Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintressen rör civilsamhällen, transnationell aktivism, globala styrformer och demokratisering. Uhlin har forskat om legitimering och delegitimering av internationella organisationer, vilket bl a resulterat i antologin Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance, (Oxford University Press, redigerad tillsammans med Magdalena Bexell och Kristina Jönsson). Ett annat forskningsprojekt handlar om civilsamhälleseliter i Indonesien och Kambodja. Uhlin har även forskat om civilsamhälleseliter i en europeisk kontext inom RJ-programmet Civil Society Elites? Uhlin har bred erfarenhet av undervisning och handledning på samtliga nivåer inom områden som t ex utvecklingsstudier, internationell politik och demokratisering. I november 2011 utsågs han till Excellent Teaching Pracitioner (ETP).
Se en film där Anders Uhlin berättar om sin forskning och statsvetenskap i allmänhet här.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Why Do Business Leaders, Senior Politicians and Civil Servants Move to Leading Positions in EU Civil Society? : Exploring Capital Gains through Boundary Crossing
Laura Landorff, Anders Uhlin
(2024) European Politics and Society , p.1-16
Artikel i tidskriftCivil Society Boundary Crossing and Elite Integration
Malin Arvidson, Anders Uhlin
(2024) Civil Society Elites : Exploring the Composition, Reproduction, Integration, and Contestation of Civil Society Actors at the Top , p.161-181
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDemokratiseringsprocesser : Nya perspektiv och utmaningar
Joakim Ekman, Jonas Linde, Thomas Sedelius, Anders Uhlin
BokElites’ (De)legitimation Practices toward International Organizations
Anders Uhlin, Soetkin Verhaegen
(2023) Global Studies Quarterly, 3
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction : Studying Civil Society Elite Formation and Interaction
Astrid Norén Nilsson, Amalinda Savirani, Anders Uhlin
(2023) NIAS Studies in Asian Topics , p.1-23
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society Elites : Field Studies from Cambodia and Indonesia
(2023) NIAS Studies in Asian Topics
BokField Theory and Methods for the Analysis of Civil Society Elites
Anders Uhlin, Astrid Norén Nilsson, Amalinda Savirani
(2023) NIAS Studies in Asian Topics , p.27-41
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusion : Elites in and beyond Civil Society Fields
Astrid Norén Nilsson, Amalinda Savirani, Anders Uhlin
(2023) NIAS Studies in Asian Topics , p.231-255
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society Activism beyond the Nation-State : Legitimating ASEAN?
Anders Uhlin
(2023) Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia , p.139-152
Del av eller Kapitel i bokA European Civil Society Elite? : Analysing Capital and Drama at the European Economic and Social Committee
Anders Uhlin, Malin Arvidson
(2023) European Societies, 25 p.87-106
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction: The Comparative Study of (De)legitimation Processes in Global Governance
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, Anders Uhlin
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Politics of Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: A Theoretical Framework
Magdalena Bexell, Karin Bäckstrand, Farsan Ghassim, Catia Gregoratti, Kristina Jönsson, et al.
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPractices of (De)legitimation in Global Governance: A Comparative Overview
Anders Uhlin, Soetkin Verhaegen
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Interplay between Delegitimation and Legitimation: Civil Society Protest and the Responses of Global Governance Institutions
Catia Gregoratti, Anders Uhlin
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusions: Legitimation and Delegitimation of Global Governance Institutions
Kristina Jönsson, Anders Uhlin
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Del av eller Kapitel i bokOpening Up of International Organizations
Anders Uhlin
(2022) Beyond the Boomerang : From Transnational Advocacy Networks to Transcalar Advocacy in International Politics , p.36-48
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCapital and Closure in the EU Field : Advancement in the European Economic and Social Committee
Håkan Johansson, Anders Uhlin, Malin Arvidson
(2022) Journal of Common Market Studies, 60 p.1069-1085
Artikel i tidskriftUtvecklingsfrågor
Anders Uhlin
(2021) Internationella relationer , p.357-376
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society Elites: A Research Agenda
Håkan Johansson, Anders Uhlin
(2020) Politics and Governance, 8 p.82-85
Artikel i tidskriftLegitimacy Struggles in Global Governance : Legitimation and Delegitimation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Anders Uhlin
(2019) SAGE Open, 9
Artikel i tidskriftCivil Society Democratising Global Governance? : Potentials and Limitations of “Counter-Democracy”
Sara Kalm, Lisa Strömbom, Anders Uhlin
(2019) Global Society, 33 p.499-519
Artikel i tidskriftCivil society protest and the (De)legitimation of global governance institutions
Catia Gregoratti, Anders Uhlin
(2018) Legitimacy in Global Governance : Sources, Processes, and Consequences , p.134-150
Del av eller Kapitel i bokClaiming Justice in the Global South
Anders Uhlin, Jewellord Nem Singh, Jean Grugel, Lorenza B. Fontana
(2017) Demanding Justice in the Global South : Claiming Rights , p.177-194
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAnalysing Justice Claims in the Global South
Jean Grugel, Jewellord Nem Singh, Lorenza B. Fontana, Anders Uhlin
(2017) Demanding Justice in the Global South : Claiming Rights , p.1-19
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDemanding Justice in the Global South : Claiming Rights
(2017) Development, Justice and Citizenship
BokDemocratic Governance in Developing Nations
Ylva Stubbergaard, Anders Uhlin
(2016) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance , p.1-8
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society and Policy Reforms in the Asian Development Bank
Anders Uhlin
(2016) Global Economic Governance and the Development Practices of the Multilateral Development Banks , p.60-79
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society and the Governance of Development: Opposing Global Institutions
Sara Kalm, Anders Uhlin
(2015) Development, Justice and Citizenship
BokDemokratisering och den internationella kontexten
Anders Uhlin
(2014) Demokratiseringsprocesser: Nya perspektiv och utmaningar , p.185-213
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society Influence on International Organizations: Theorizing the State Channel
Christopher L Pallas, Anders Uhlin
(2014) Journal of Civil Society, 10 p.1-20
Artikel i tidskriftReview: Nonviolent Revolutions: Civil Resistance in the Late 20th Century
Anders Uhlin
(2012) Global Policy, Published online 17 September 2012
BokrecensionRenewing Global Governance: Demanding Rights and Justice in the Global South
Jean Grugel, Anders Uhlin
(2012) Third World Quarterly, 33 p.1703-1718
Artikel i tidskriftCivil Society and Global Democracy: An Assessment
Jonas Tallberg, Anders Uhlin
(2012) Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives , p.210-232
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivil Society and Problems of Democratization in Post-Communist States
Anders Uhlin
(2011) Democracy in Lithuania: Civil Spirits Versus Totalitarianism at the Defining Moments of the Twentieth Century , p.233-247
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNational democratization theory and global governance: Civil society and the liberalization of the Asian Development Bank
Anders Uhlin
(2011) Democratization, 18 p.847-871
Artikel i tidskriftDemocracy in Global Governance: The Promises and Pitfalls of Transnational Actors
Magdalena Bexell, Jonas Tallberg, Anders Uhlin
(2010) Global Governance, 16 p.81-101
Artikel i tidskriftDemocratic Credentials of Transnational Actors: An Introduction
Eva Erman, Anders Uhlin
(2010) Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors , p.3-15
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusion: Democratic Requirements and Trade-offs in a Transnational Context
Eva Erman, Anders Uhlin
(2010) Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors , p.194-213
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDemocratic Legitimacy of Transnational Actors: Mapping Out the Conceptual Terrain
Anders Uhlin
(2010) Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors , p.16-37
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Structure and Culture of Post-Communist Civil Society in Latvia
Anders Uhlin
(2010) Europe-Asia Studies, 62 p.829-852
Artikel i tidskriftRysslands Civilsamhälle
Anders Uhlin
(2009) Ryssland. Politik, samhälle och ekonomi , p.182-204
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCivilsamhälle i Östeuropa
Anders Uhlin
(2009) Det nya Östeuropa - Stat och nation i förändring , p.355-377
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUtvecklingsfrågor
Anders Uhlin
(2009) Internationella relationer , p.301-320
Del av eller Kapitel i bokWhich Characteristics of Civil Society Organizations Support What Aspects of Democracy? Evidence from Post-Communist Latvia
Anders Uhlin
(2009) International Political Science Review, 30 p.271-295
Artikel i tidskriftPost-Soviet Civil Society. Democratization in Russia and the Baltic States
Anders Uhlin
(2006) BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies
BokTransnationella civilsamhällesnätverk och demokratiskt ledarskap
Anders Uhlin
(2006) I Ledande Ställning. Vänbok till Lars-Göran Stenelo , p.275-290
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDemokratisering och den internationella kontexten
Anders Uhlin
(2006) Demokratiseringsprocesser. Teoretiska ansatser och empiriska studier , p.187-221
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLitteraturgranskning, Martin Nilsson: Demokratisering i Latinamerika under 1900-talet - vänstern och demokratins fördjupning
Anders Uhlin
(2006) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 108 p.320-328
BokrecensionPerceptions of Democracy Among Local Elites: A Comparative Study of Five Russian Regions
Anders Uhlin, Linda Åström
(2005) The Challenge of the Baltic Sea Region. Culture, Ecosystems, Democracy , p.285-306
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTransnational Activism in Asia: Problems of Power and Democracy
(2004) Routledge Studies in Transnationalism
BokNew Perspectives on Transnational Activism
Nicola Piper, Anders Uhlin
(2004) Transnational Activism in Asia: Problems of Power and Democracy , p.1-25
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRegionalism from Below. Transnational Civil Society Links in Southeast Asia
Anders Uhlin
(2003) Southeast Asian Regionalism from Above and from Below , p.130-150
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTransnational Advocacy Networks, Female Labor Migration and Trafficking in East and Southeast Asia: A Gendered Analysis of Opportunities and Obstacles
Nicola Piper, Anders Uhlin
(2002) Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 11 p.171-195
Artikel i tidskriftLitteraturgranskning, Olivier Danjoux: L'etat, c'est pas moi. Reframing Citizenship(s) in the Baltic Republics
Anders Uhlin
(2002) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 105 p.50-60
BokrecensionDevelopment and the External Dimension of Regime Transitions. Illustrations from Indonesia
Anders Uhlin
(2002) Development and Democracy: What Have We Learnt and How? , p.173-190
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization, Democratization and Civil Society in Southeast Asia. Observations from Malaysia and Thailand
Anders Uhlin
(2002) Globalization and Democratization in Asia , p.149-166
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Transnational Dimension of Civil Society. Migration and Independence Movements in Southeast Asia
Anders Uhlin
(2001) Civil Society and Authoritarianism in the Third World , p.196-223
Del av eller Kapitel i bok“Asian Values Democracy” - Neither Asian nor Democratic. Discourses and Practices in Late New Order Indonesia
Anders Uhlin
Working paperDemokratisasi di Indonesia: Peluang dan Hambatan
Anders Uhlin
(1999) Wacana. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Transformatif , p.75-99
Artikel i tidskriftThe Struggle for Democracy in Indonesia. An Actor - Structure Approach
Anders Uhlin
(1995) Scandinavian Political Studies, 18 p.133-158
Artikel i tidskriftDemocracy and Diffusion : Transnational Lesson-Drawing among Indonesian Pro-Democracy Actors
Anders Uhlin
(1995) Lund Political Studies
DoktorsavhandlingIndonesian Democracy Discourses in a Global Context. The Transnational Diffusion of Democratic Ideas
Anders Uhlin
(1993) Working papers / Centre of Southeast Asian studies, Monash university
Working paperGlobal Democratization : Transitions from Authoritarian Rule 1989-1991
Catarina Kinnvall, Anders Uhlin
(1993) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 96 p.7-38
Artikel i tidskriftTransnational Democratic Diffusion and Indonesian Democracy Discourses
Anders Uhlin
(1993) Third World Quarterly, 14 p.517-544
Artikel i tidskriftLitteraturgranskning, Samuel P Huntington: The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
Anders Uhlin
(1992) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 95 p.106-109
BokrecensionLitteraturgranskning, Rebecca Grant & Kathleen Newland (red) Gender and International Relations
Pauline Stoltz, Anders Uhlin
(1991) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 94 p.356-359
BokrecensionTransnational Corporations as Global Political Actors: A Literature Review
Anders Uhlin
(1988) Cooperation and Conflict, 23 p.231-247
Artikel i tidskrift