The Higher Research Seminar: ‘Global Preferences for Online Hate Speech Moderation’ – Simon Munzert, Hertie School in Berlin
The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. The seminars are open to the public. Welcome to join us!
Wednesdays 13.15 to 14.30 in Eden 367, unless otherwise indicated.
Chair: Professor Robert Klemmensen
The Department’s Higher Research Seminar Series | Department of Political Science (
Simon Munzert - Hertie School in Berlin
data science and public policy. politics. experiments. surveys. and all that.
About me
I'm Professor of Data Science and Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin and Director of the Data Science Lab. My research focuses on public opinion, attitude formation in the digital age, and the use of online data in social research. I use experimental methods, online data, and innovative measurement strategies to study how people act and think, politically. Find my CV here.
+49 (0)30 259 219-450
munzert [at] hertie-school [dot] org (munzert[at]hertie-school[dot]org)
Google Scholar
Current research
- The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change. (Working group 5: public and political engagement)
- Global Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic (joint project with Lukas Stoetzer et al.)
- Global Preferences for Online Hate Speech Regulation (joint project with Richard Traunmüller, funded by Facebook Research)
- Media Exposure and Opinion Formation in an Age of Information Overload (joint project with Pablo Barberá, Andrew Guess and JungHwan Yang, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation)
- Citizen and Elite Activity on the Wikipedia Market Place of Political Information (funded by the Daimler and Benz Foundation)
Om evenemanget
Large Conference Room (ED367), Eden, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Lund.
robert [dot] klemmensen [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se