Statsvetenskap och Politisk Psykologi
- Globalisering och internationella relationer
- Politisk Psykologi och säkerhetsstudier
- Nationalism, populism, genus och postkolonialism
Pågående forskning
Kinnvalls forskning är fokuserad på frågor kring globalisering och säkerhet, religion och nationalism samt migration och politisk psykologi med ett specifikt fokus på Sydasien och Europa. Hon var tidigare redaktör för tidskriften Political Psychology och är före detta Vice President för International Society of Political Psychology.
Bland hennes publikationer finns:
- Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications (co-ed, Routledge 2019);
- Ontological Insecurity in the European Union (co-ed. Routledge 2019);
- Bordering Securities: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersion (co-ed. Routledge 2014);
- The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology (co-ed. Palgrave 2014);
- The Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West (co-author, Oxford University Press 2011);
- On Behalf of Others: The Psychology of Care in a Global World (co-ed. Oxford University Press 2008);
- Globalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The Search for Ontological Security(Routledge 2006).
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
‘Hunger for Certainty’: Misrecognition, Masculinity and Agentic Action in India’s and Russia’s Desires for Neocolonial Subjecthood
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2024) Global Discourse, 14 p.116-140
Artikel i tidskriftSpecial Issue: Precariousness at Work: Gender, Violence, and Industrial Outsourcing in Asia
(2023) Global Political Economy
Tidskrift: redaktörDeglobalization and the political psychology of white supremacy
Catarina Kinnvall, Pasko Kisić Merino
(2023) Theory and Psychology, 33 p.227-248
Artikel i tidskriftTrauma, Home, and Geopolitical Bordering: A Lacanian Approach to the COVID-19 Crisis
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2023) International Studies Quarterly, 67
Artikel i tidskriftCovid-19 : crisis, emotional governance and populist fantasy narratives
Catarina Kinnvall
(2023) International Relations, 37 p.156-163
Artikel i tidskriftGoverning Emotions : Hybrid media, Ontological Insecurity and the Normalisation of Far-Right Fantasies
Pasko Kisic Merino, Catarina Kinnvall
(2023) Alternatives, 48
Artikel i tidskriftEnforcing and Resisting Hindutva : Popular Culture, the COVID-19 Crisis and Fantasy Narratives of Motherhood and Pseudoscience in India
Catarina Kinnvall, Amit Singh
(2022) Social Sciences, 11
Artikel i tidskriftExploring the Populist ‘Mind’: Anxiety, Fantasy, and Everyday Populism
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2022) British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24 p.526-542
Artikel i tidskriftReligion and Indias international relations
Catarina Kinnvall
(2021) Handbook on Religion and International Relations , p.348-382
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Psychology of Extremist Identification : An Introduction
Catarina Kinnvall, Tereza Capelos
(2021) European Psychologist, 26 p.1-5
Artikel i tidskriftDifferentiated Citizenship: Multiculturalism, Secularism and India's Foreign Policy
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2021) The Interface of Domestic and International Factors in India’s Foreign Policy , p.191-211
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPopulism, ontological insecurity and gendered nationalism: Masculinity, climate denial and Covid-19
Christine Agius, Annika Bergman Rosamond, Catarina Kinnvall
(2021) Politics, Religion and Ideology, 21 p.432-450
Artikel i tidskriftPostcolonialism
Catarina Kinnvall
(2020) Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies
Del av eller Kapitel i bokOntological Security
Catarina Kinnvall
(2020) The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Two-volume set
Artikel i uppslagsverkGetting Inside ‘the Head’ of the Far Right: Psychological responses to the socio-political context
Pasko Merino Kisic, Tereza Capelos, Catarina Kinnvall
(2020) Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAnxiety, fear, and ontological security in world politics : Thinking with and beyond Giddens
Catarina Kinnvall, Jennifer Mitzen
(2020) International Theory, 12 p.240-256
Artikel i tidskriftDisasters and Gendered Violence in Pakistan : Religion, Nationalism and Masculinity
Sidsel Hansson, Catarina Kinnvall
(2019) Rutledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change , p.187-212
Del av eller Kapitel i bokOntological Insecurity in the European Union
BokClimate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications
(2019) Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change
BokConclusions: Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications
Catarina Kinnvall, Helle Rydström
(2019) Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications , p.274-281
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPopulism, ontological insecurity and Hindutva : Modi and the masculinization of Indian politics
Catarina Kinnvall
(2019) Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32 p.283-302
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction: Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications
Helle Rydström, Catarina Kinnvall
(2019) Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change , p.1-29
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRacing to the Bottom, Squeezing through the Cracks: Imagining unbordered space
Catarina Kinnvall
(2019) Routledge Handbook of Critical International Relations
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMultiplicity, Discipline and the Political
Catarina Kinnvall
(2019) New Perspectives, 27 p.153-155
Artikel i tidskriftOn the Frontline: Populism and White Nationalism in Europe
Catarina Kinnvall
(2018) Discover Society
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction to 2018 special issue: Ontological (in)security in the European Union
Catarina Kinnvall, Ian Manners, Jennifer Mitzen
(2018) European Security, 27 p.249-265
Tidskrift: redaktörOntological security and conflict : the dynamics of crisis and the constitution of community
Catarina Kinnvall, Jennifer Mitzen
(2018) Journal of International Relations and Development, 21 p.825-835
Artikel i tidskriftOntological Insecurities and Postcolonial Imaginaries: The Emotional Appeal of Populism
Catarina Kinnvall
(2018) Humanity & Society, 42 p.523-543
Artikel i tidskriftMisrecognition and the Indian State: The Desire for Sovereign Agency
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2018) Review of International Studies, 44 p.902-921
Artikel i tidskriftOntological Security and the Limits to a Common world: Subaltern Pasts and the Inner-Worldliness of the Tablighi Jama’at
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2017) Postcolonial Studies, 20 p.333-352
Artikel i tidskriftRacism and the role of imaginary others in Europe
Catarina Kinnvall
(2017) Nature Human Behaviour, 1
Artikel i tidskriftPostcolonial bordering and ontological insecurities
John Cash, Catarina Kinnvall
(2017) Postcolonial Studies, 20 p.267-274
Artikel i tidskriftAn introduction to the special issue : Ontological securities in world politics
Catarina Kinnvall, Jennifer Mitzen
(2017) Cooperation and Conflict, 52 p.3-11
Artikel i tidskriftFeeling Ontologically (In)Secure: States, Traumas and the Governing of Gendered Space
Catarina Kinnvall
(2017) Cooperation and Conflict , p.90-108
Artikel i tidskriftSaffron and Orange : Religion, nation and masculinity in Canada and India
Paul Nesbitt-Larking, Catarina Kinnvall
(2016) The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History , p.331-343
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGendered Insecurities: Violence against Women and Girls in Asia
Helle Rydström, Catarina Kinnvall
(2016) Violence Against Women
Artikel i tidskriftThe Postcolonial has Moved into Europe: Bordering, Security and Ethno-Cultural Belonging
Catarina Kinnvall
(2016) Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 p.152-168
Artikel i tidskriftBorders and Fear: Insecurity, Gender and the Far Right in Europe
Catarina Kinnvall
(2015) Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23 p.514-529
Artikel i tidskriftNarratives of (In)Security: Nationhood, Culture, Religion and Gender: Introduction to Special Issue
Catarina Kinnvall, Molly Andrews, Kristen Monroe
(2015) Political Psychology, 36 p.141-148
Artikel i tidskriftConcluding Remarque: Reflecting on Intersubjective Approaches to Power and Knowledge in Cultural Political Psychology
Catarina Kinnvall
(2014) Culture and Political Psychology A Societal Perspective , p.141-146
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBordering the Indefinite Nation: Pakistan, the Taliban and Desecuritised Religion
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2014) Governing Borders and Security: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersal , p.116-134
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConclusion
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2014) Governing Borders and Security: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersal
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Politics and Ethics of Identity: In Search of Ourselves
Catarina Kinnvall
(2014) Political Psychology, 35 p.303-304
BokrecensionIntroduction: Bordering Securities in a Global World
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2014) Governing Borders and Security: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersal
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology
(2014) Palgrave Series in Political Psychology
BokFear, Insecurity and the (re)emergence of the Far Right in Europe
Catarina Kinnvall
(2014) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology
Del av eller Kapitel i bokReligion and Deep Multiculturalism: Toward a cosmopolitical ethics of engagement
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2014) Cosmopolitanism, Religion and the Public Sphere
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTrauma and the Politics of Fear: Europe at the Crossroads
Catarina Kinnvall
(2013) Emotions and Politics
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSecuritizing Citizenship: (B)ordering practices and strategies of resistance
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2013) Global Society, 27 p.337-359
Artikel i tidskriftRebordering France and Denmark Narratives and Practices of Border-Construction in Two European Countries
Sarah Scuzzarello, Catarina Kinnvall
(2013) Mobilities, 8 p.90-106
Artikel i tidskriftBorders, Security and (Global) Governance: Introduction to Special Issue
Catarina Kinnvall
(2013) Global Society, 27 p.261-268
Artikel i tidskriftThe Discursive Frames of Political Psychology
Paul Nesbitt-Larking, Catarina Kinnvall
(2012) Political Psychology, 33 p.45-59
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean Trauma: Governance and the Psychological Moment
Catarina Kinnvall
(2012) Alternatives, 37 p.266-281
Artikel i tidskriftDialogicality and the (De)Securitization of Self: Globalization, migration and multicultural politics
Catarina Kinnvall, Sarah Scuzzarello
(2012) Dialogicality in Focus: Challenges to Theory, Method and Application
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
BokContested Citizenship Strategies: Young Muslims in the West
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2011) Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 12 p.271-290
Artikel i tidskriftHindu nationalism, diaspora politics and nation-building in India
Catarina Kinnvall, Ted Svensson
(2010) Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 p.274-292
Artikel i tidskriftGender, Multiculturalism and Religious Discourse(s) : Women as Symbols in Hindu Nationalism
Sidsel Hansson, Catarina Kinnvall
(2010) Gender Inequalitiesin Asia : configuring, contesting and recognizing women and men , p.69-69
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSecurity, Subjectivity and Space in Postcolonial Europe: Muslims in the diaspora
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2010) European Security, 18 p.305-326
Artikel i tidskriftThe political psychology of (de)securitization: place-making strategies in Denmark, Sweden, and Canada
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2010) Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space, 28 p.1051-1070
Artikel i tidskriftCitizenship Regimes and Identity Strategies Among Young Muslims in Europe
Catarina Kinnvall, Paul Nesbitt-Larking
(2010) Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies – A Multidisciplinary Perspective
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDialogical Selves between Security and Insecurity Migration, Multiculturalism, and the Challenge of the Global
Catarina Kinnvall, Jitka Lindén
(2010) Theory & Psychology, 20 p.595-619
Artikel i tidskriftPakistan: Inside and Outside Threats
Catarina Kinnvall
(2010) Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law, 6 p.3-29
Artikel i tidskriftGlobalization, Diaspora Politics and Gender: Muslims in Sweden
Catarina Kinnvall
(2009) Gender, Equality, Citizenship and Human rights: Challenges and controversies in China and the Nordic countries
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduction
Catarina Kinnvall, Sarah Scuzzarello
(2009) On Behalf of Others: The psychology of care in a global world
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduction
Catarina Kinnvall, Sarah Scuzzarello
(2008) On behalf of others: the morality of care in a global world
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Catarina Kinnvall
(2008) Critical theorists and international relations
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and Beliefs: The Mohammed Conflict and Muslims in Scandinavia
Catarina Kinnvall
(2008) under review, Nations and Nationalism
Artikel i tidskriftSpänningarna ökar i Pakistan
Sidsel Hansson, Catarina Kinnvall
(2007) Sydsvenska dagbladet
TidningsartikelStudying Dialogical Selves Dialogically: Multicultural challenges for adapting local cultures to global society
Catarina Kinnvall, Jitka Lindén
KonferensbidragWomen as the Other: Ethical Responses to Questions of (M)otherhood in Multicultural Societies
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragParallel Societies: Citizenship and Homesteading Practices among Muslims in Sweden and Denmark
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragMoving into Europe: postcolonial identity constructions among European Muslims
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragCivilizations, Neo-Gandhianism and the Hindu Self
Catarina Kinnvall
(2007) Civilizational Identity: The production and Reproduction of ‘Civilizations’ in International Relations
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity and the Search for Ontological Security
Catarina Kinnvall
(2007) International Business and Globalization, 1 (set of three volumes) p.304-332
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The search for ontological security
Catarina Kinnvall
(2006) Routledge advances in international relations and global politics
BokLedarskap i den Samhällsvetenskapliga Debatten: Statsvetenskapens ställning i USA och Europa
Catarina Kinnvall
(2006) I Ledande Ställning: Vänbok till Lars-Göran Stenelo , p.121-140
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and Beliefs: the Mohammed Conflict and Muslims in Scandinavia
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragThe non-ethical foundation of identity building: Constructing hate in times of insecurity
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragWomen as Symbols of Religious Discourse(s): An analysis of the Muslim Diaspora in Sweden
Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragWomen as Symbols in Religious Discourse(s): Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Indian Religions
Sidsel Hansson, Catarina Kinnvall
(2004) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 1
Artikel i tidskriftGlobalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity and the Search for Ontological Security
Catarina Kinnvall
(2004) Political Psychology, 25 p.741-767
Artikel i tidskriftHindunationalismens Uppgång och Fall
Catarina Kinnvall
(2004) Internationella Studier
Artikel i tidskriftGlobalization, Identity and the Search for Chosen Traumas
Catarina Kinnvall
(2003) The Future of Identity: Centennial Reflections on the Legacy of Erik Erikson
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIdentitetsstudier: En översikt
Catarina Kinnvall
(2003) Identitetsstudier i praktiken
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and Migration: Constructing the Female Other in the Name of Tradition
Catarina Kinnvall
Konferensbidrag"Not Here, Not Now": The Absence of a European Perestroika Movement
Catarina Kinnvall
(2003) Perestroika! : the raucous rebellion in political science
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConstructing Facts on the Ground: Positivism and the Verification of Myths in Israel and India
Karin Aggestam, Catarina Kinnvall
KonferensbidragWhat is Political Psychology?
Morton Deutsch, Catarina Kinnvall
(2002) Political Psychology
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Global-Local Nexus Revisited: Constructing Asia in Times of Globalization
Catarina Kinnvall, Kristina Jönsson
(2002) Globalization and democratization in Asia : the construction of identity
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAnalyzing the Global-Local Nexus
Catarina Kinnvall
(2002) Globalization and Democratization in Asia: The Construction of Identity
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNationalism, Religion and the Search for Chosen Traumas: Comparing Sikh and Hindu identity construction
Catarina Kinnvall
(2002) Ethnicities, 2 p.79-106
Artikel i tidskriftCultural Diffusion and Political Learning : The Democratization of China
Catarina Kinnvall
(1995) Lund Political Studies
DoktorsavhandlingGlobal Democratization : Transitions from Authoritarian Rule 1989-1991
Catarina Kinnvall, Anders Uhlin
(1993) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 96 p.7-38
Artikel i tidskrift