Peace and International Politics Research Group
The Peace and International Politics (PIP) research group convenes approximately once a month. The disciplinary home of the research group is the intersection of International Relations and Peace Research broadly conceived, and we discuss and read theoretical as well as empirical work.
We invite members to present work in progress at our seminars, and we invite guests as well as discuss topical reading of interest to the group. Members of the PIP research group take part in research projects on a broad range of issues related to international political theory, conflict analysis, ethics, war, peacebuilding, diplomacy, security studies, reconciliation, identity, conflict resolution, gender and peace negotiations. The researchers study global patterns as well as regions and countries, such as the Balkans, Asia, the European Union, South America, the Middle East and Europe.
- Lisa Strömbom <lisa [dot] strombom [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (lisa[dot]strombom[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)>
- Isabel Bramsen <isabel [dot] bramsen [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (isabel[dot]bramsen[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)>
- Abdelmoez, Joel
- Aggestam, Karin
- Agnese Pacciardi
- Bartelson, Jens
- Bengtsson, Rikard
- Bexell, Magdalena
- Björkdahl, Annika
- Bramsen, Isabel (Convenor)
- Breiding, Malte
- Dandrifosse, Margaux
- De Leeuw, Georgia
- Dinc, Pinar
- Hall, Martin
- Hedling, Elsa
- Holdo, Markus
- Ikenze, Sarai-Anne
- Imre, Bibi
- Kalm, Sara
- Kempermann, Lena
- Liebsch, Juliane
- Magalhaes Teixeira, Barbara
- Manners, Ian
- Pericoli, Altea
- Sjöstedt, Roxanna
- Småberg, Maria
- Stein, Anne Lene
- Stissing Jensen, Marie
- Strömbom, Lisa (Convenor)
- Svensson, Ted
- Taha, Hebatalla
- Vetle Handeland, Lars
- Wrange, Jana
November 7th, 09.00-17.30 (with dinner in the evening for those who wishes to join) - PIP-Day research day - joint discussions on ongoing research. Sign up by the 15th of October at the latest. (Ed 367)
Jointly organized with the Gender and Politics and Development Studies Research Groups. (Ed 367)
Link to the article:
- Samia Walid, 'Fighting Is the Cure for Pain': Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Two Years after the Taliban Take-Over.
15 September, noon-1.30 pm. Venue: Ed366. Co-organised with SASNET.
- Isabel Bramsen (Lund University), PEACE: Platforms Enabling Agonistic, Continuous Engagement.
3 October, noon-1 pm. Venue: Ed366.
- Bart Klem (Gothenburg University), Performing Sovereign Aspirations: Tamil Insurgency and Postwar Transition in Sri Lanka.
30 November, noon-1 pm. Venue: Ed366. Co-organised with SASNET
27 Feb, 12.00-13.00 – Roxanna Sjöstedt (with Niklas Karlén) on “Intervention by invitation: why states ask for help” (book proposal)
12 April, 12.00-13.00 – Maéva Clement (guest researcher, University of Osnabrück) on "The global governance of reconciliation in post-conflict societies"
18 April, 12.15-13.15 – León López Brennan and Bibi Imre-Millei, presentation of thesis plans
16 May, 12.00-13.15 – Maria Mälksoo (Copenhagen University) on “The Postcolonial Moment in Russia’s War against Ukraine”
30 May, 10:15-13:00 – Open seminar in Peace and Conflict Research | Practitioners’ day 2023: ‘Peace in practice – voices from the field’
Autumn 2022
September 21, UN Peace Day 13-16
Location: Lux Aura Nedre
October 25, 12-13.15: Christie Nicoson (LU): Envisioning peaceful utopias: a phenomenological study of feminist ethics of care in climate transformation
Christie Nicoson is PhD student at Lund University. She will present her paper “Envisioning peaceful utopias: a phenomenological study of feminist ethics of care in climate transformation” followed by discussion with participants.
Location: Ed137
November 14, 12.45-14.00: Ida Marie Vammen (DIIS): Soft migration governance in West Africa: Rebranding migration and framing new beginnings to stop unwanted migration
Ida Marie Vammen is post.doc at Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). She will present her paper “Soft migration governance in West Africa: Rebranding migration and framing new beginnings to stop unwanted migration” followed by discussion with participants.
Location: Ed137
November 24-25 GPT/PCR group retreat
December 1, 12-13.15: Peace and Conflict Research Group: ‘Diplomatic Representation and Online/Offline Interactions: Multilateralism on and from Social Media?’ – Elsa Hedling
Location: Ed137
Schedule, Autumn 2022
28 October, 13.15-14.30 (Ed367)
Richard Georgi (University of Gothenburg), Peace that Antagonises: Reading Colombia’s Peace Process as Hegemonic Crisis.
24-25 November
Research retreat together with the Peace and Conflict research group.
15 December, 13.15-14.30 (Ed367)
At this seminar two papers presenting takes on international identity politics are presented, followed by a joint discussion on themes emerging from the papers. First Karl Gustavsson (Stockholm University) will present his and Maria Malksoo´s (Copenhagen university) paper ‘Memory politics as the continuation of deterrence by other means: Evidence from Russia and China’. This will be followed by a presentation by Lisa Strömbom of her and Alexei Tsinovoi’s (Aarhus University) paper on ‘Twitter Responses to International (Mis-)Recognition: The US Embassy Move and the Abraham Accords’.
Schedule, Spring 2022
17 March, 13-14.30 (Ed367)
Jonathan Luke Austin (Copenhagen University), Seeing All Evil: The Global Cruelty of Digital Visibility.
5 April, 13-14.30 (Ed222B)
Akos Kopper (visiting researcher, Lund University), Is Chess a Fitting or Misleading Metaphor for International Relations?
28 April, 13-14.30 (Ed367)
Isabel Bramsen (Lund University), The Micro-Sociology of Diplomacy.
Research Group Seminars
Link to the calendar for the research groups' meetings.