Political Science
- The Post-Soviet region and other states in Eastern and Central Europe (politics, economics, foreign policy, military, culture, post-Soviet economic transition)
- Corruption (as well as other forms of informal economy and economic crime)
- Swedish politics (national and foreign policy, economics, public administration, public access to information and secrecy act, whistleblowing)
- The EU, EU relations with Eastern and Central Europe, Eastern enlargement processes.
Mi Lennhag holds degrees in political science (including courses in economics, statistics, history and rhetoric), and in Eastern European studies and Russian.
Her PhD project examines citizens’ attitudes to corruption in contemporary Eastern Europe, and includes fieldwork in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.
Since 2008, she has been giving lectures at universities and commissioned education about the post-Soviet region (politics, economics, culture), on Swedish politics, public administration and constitutional issues, on the EU and Eastern enlargement, and on corruption and economic crime (both in Sweden and abroad).
This PhD project explores corruption and informal economic practices – directly involving or more generally described by ordinary citizens (i.e. not politicians, company executives or experts) – in contemporary Eastern Europe.
The thesis contains both quantitative methods for inference and qualitative interviews for a narrative analysis and theoretical contribution. The quantitative component will focus on the whole region of “former Soviet style economies”, while the qualitative parts will focus upon four European post-Soviet states: Ukraine, Russia (the European Kaliningrad oblast), Belarus and Lithuania.
The main focuses during the recorded, anonymous, semi-structured interviews were individuals’ descriptions, explanations and justifications of partly changed – but simultaneously ongoing, persistent and widespread – corrupt practices in a post-Soviet context.
The thesis also presents a description of the contemporary legacy or transformation of the Soviet informal distribution system blat, which was a widespread, network-based, non- monetary channel for transactions that evolved as a reaction to Soviet time shortages, bureaucracy, and hierarchies. Instead, contemporary everyday corrupt acts involve large sums of money; usage of hierarchies; demands for services instead of goods; stricter obligations; new powerful professions and informal networks as useful channels for bribing the right persons.
In addition to its empirical aims, this thesis contributes to better theoretical understanding of informal economic stability in the post-Soviet region. Citizens’ feelings regarding possibilities for change and their perceptions of and incentives for on-going informal practices are treated as important. However, we need to avoid considering everyday corrupt acts in developing countries as foremost results of lack of “desirable” perceptions of morality.
Our understanding of both informal and formal economic institutions will be enhanced when including common, everyday approaches to the informal economic arena, as well as to formal economic constrains. By highlighting aspects of the relationship and tensions between the post-Soviet states and their citizens, we will better comprehend informal economic stability. Tensions created during the Soviet era, or generating from a Soviet legacy, continue to significantly affect citizens’ perceptions and attitudes.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Ryssland: Alltmer makt utgår från Putin
Mi Lennhag, Vilhelm Konnander
(2020) Europaportalen
Journal articleVad händer med Ryssland efter Putin?
Mi Lennhag, Vilhelm Konnander
(2019) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Ryska federationen: Näringsliv"
Mi Lennhag
(2019) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaBiografi över president Vladimir Putin
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Partiet Enade Ryssland"
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Ryska federationen: Historia"
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Ryska federationen: Politik"
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Ryska federationen: Internationella relationer"
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaArtikel i uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin: "Ryska federationen: Statsskick"
Mi Lennhag
(2018) Nationalencyklopedin
Article in encyclopediaEffektivt men långsamt anti-korruptionsarbete i Polen
Mi Lennhag
(2017) Svensk-Polska Bulletinen
Journal articleBlaming the State or Sharing Responsibility - The Ukrainian Maidan Movement and Changing Opinions on Ukrainian and Russian Corruption
Mi Lennhag
(2015) Baltic Worlds , p.96-109
Journal articleIntroduktion - Fyra aktuella frågor. Språket, aktivismen, korruptionen och "splittringen"
Mi Lennhag
(2015) 10-TAL Ukraina : Världsunikt dubbelnummer om Ukraina, nr 17/18
Book chapterMi Lennhag: Putin kan ha blivit fånge i sitt Ukrainaspel
Mi Lennhag
(2014) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleDärför sitter Putin stadigt i sadeln – trots Ukrainapolitiken
Mi Lennhag
(2014) Sydsvenskan Kultur
Newspaper articleBokomtaler/recension: Pussy Riot – En pønkebønn for frihet.
Mi Lennhag
(2014) Nordisk Østforum , p.79-82
ReviewEtt associeringsavtal hade troligen inneburit ryska reaktioner och ekonomiska förluster på kort sikt
Mi Lennhag
(2013) Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper articleSveket mot Snowden drabbar oss alla
Mi Lennhag, Lennart Lundquist
(2013) Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt
Newspaper articleCorruption, citizens, and the state – Russian citizens' attitudes towards post-Soviet everyday corruption
Mi Lennhag
(2013) Nordic Russian and Eastern European Studies Conference Intentions, Interactions and Paradoxes in Post-Socialist Space
Conference paperGoverment Defence Anti-Corruption Index 2013
ReportPå rätt kur : korruption finns överallt
Mi Lennhag
(2012) Skånska dagbladet , p.12-15
Newspaper articleRecension av antologin "Cultural Transformations After Communism: Central and Eastern Europe in Focus"
Mi Lennhag
(2012) Budkavlen: Tidskrift för etnologi och folkloristik, 1
ReviewSeminar on Quality of Government Institute: "Doing research on everyday corruption in Eastern Euorope"
Mi Lennhag
Conference - otherPolackerna och vardagskorruptionen : 'Den 4:e polska republiken är inte korrupt'
Mi Lennhag
(2011) Svensk-Polsk Bulletin
Journal articleInformell ekonomi som rationell vana och statskritik : En intervjustudie kring post-sovjetisk vardagskorruption
Mi Lennhag
(2011) Nordisk Østforum, 25 p.345-368
Journal articleUnderstanding Post-Soviet Petty Corruption : Informal institutions, Legitimacy, and State Critisism
Mi Lennhag
(2011) Changing Europe, 8 p.73-87
Book chapterFöredömligt folk förvandlar gränsland till Europaland : Bilden av Ukraina i svensk press januari 2004 till mars 2006
Mi Lennhag
(2010) CFE Working paper series, 40
Working paperInformal Economy as Rational Habit and State Criticism. An interview study on path dependence in and perceptions of Ukrainian and Belarusian petty corruption
Mi Lennhag
(2010) Changing Europe Summer School
Conference paperEU:s Östliga partnerskap tappar fart
Mi Lennhag, Mattias Nowak
(2010) Svensk-Polsk Bulletin
Journal articleTragedin i Smolensk har gjort en försoning mellan Polen och Ryssland möjlig
Mi Lennhag
(2010) Svensk-Polsk Bulletin
Journal articlePopulism, putinism och popularitet - Ett motsägelsefullt samtida ryskt ledarskap
Mi Lennhag
(2010) Fronesis - Kampen om folket, 34
Journal articleBokomtaler: Fanden på flat mark. Historier frå Kviterussland
Mi Lennhag
(2010) Nordisk Østforum, 2 p.219-221
ReviewAbortdebatten skapar politiska spänningar i i både Polen och Sverige
Mi Lennhag
(2008) Svensk-Polsk Bulletin
Journal articleÖkade möjligheter för nyanserad bild av Vitryssland i Sverige
Mattias Nowak, Mi Lennhag
(2007) Annus Albaruthenicus , p.347-356
Book chapterÄr Polen ärkekonservativt – eller medierna ärkeliberala?
Mi Lennhag, Mattias Nowak
(2006) Svensk-Polsk Bulletin
Journal article
E-mail: mi [dot] lennhag [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
Swedish cell: +46-(0)709-509323
Blog on Eastern Europe (in Swedish): www.demo.se
Twitter: @LENNHAG
Skype: milennhag