Political Science
Main research or teaching areas
- Political behavior
- Artificial intelligence
- Experiments
Current research and teaching
My research concerns contemporary events such as elections and decision-making, which I investigate using quantitative methods, mainly experiments and statistical data analysis. I also study decision-making in bureaucracy.
I am the PI of a large research project on AI as method in the social sciences in collaboration with computer scientists at Chalmers University of Technology, funded by the Wallenberg Foundation (wasp-hs) (running until 2026).
My teaching focuses on supervision and examination, methods training, and political behavior.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Word embeddings on ideology and issues from Swedish parliamentarians’ motions : a comparative approach
Annika Fredén, Moa Johansson, Denitsa Saynova
(2024) Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Journal articleSetting the AI Agenda : Evidence from Sweden in the ChatGPT Era
Bastiaan Bruinsma, Annika Fredén, Kajsa Hansson, Moa Johansson, Pasko Kisić-Merino, et al.
(2024) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3808
Conference paperInsurance Voting in the Centre: An Experimental Approach
Annika Fredén, Bastiaan Bruinsma, Nora Theorin, Henrik Oscarsson
(2024) International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 36
Journal articleHur rösten räknas : Om valsystemet
Annika Fredén
(2024) En författning i tiden : Regeringsformen under 50 år , p.93-112
Book chapterDetails Matter : Secluded Areas and Voting Secrecy with French Ballots
Peter Esaiasson, Annika Fredén, Jan Teorell
(2023) Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, 22 p.327-336
Journal articleWhat Kind of Electoral Outcome do People Think is Good for Democracy?
André Blais, Damien Bol, Shaun Bowler, David M Farrell, Annika Fredén, et al.
(2023) Political Studies, 71 p.1068-1089
Journal articleCollegiality and efficiency in bureaucracy
Mats Bergman, Annika Fredén
(2023) Public Policy and Administration, 38 p.492-511
Journal articleLegalize cannabis? : Effects of party cues on attitudes to a controversial policy proposal
Hanna Bäck, Annika Fredén, Emma A. Renström
(2022) Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 32 p.489-500
Journal articleBetting on the underdog : The influence of social networks on vote choice
Annika Fredén, Ludovic Rheault, Indridi H. Indridason
(2022) Political Science Research and Methods, 10 p.198-205
Journal articleVoters' view of leaders during the Covid-19 crisis : Quantitative analysis of keyword descriptions provides strength and direction of evaluations
Annika Fredén, Sverker Sikström
(2021) Social Science Quarterly, 102 p.2170-2183
Journal articleHow Polling Trends Influence Compensational Coalition-Voting
Annika Fredén
(2021) Frontiers in Political Science, 3
Journal articleReevaluating the Influence of Leaders Under Proportional Representation : Quantitative Analysis of Text in an Electoral Experiment
Annika Fredén, Sverker Sikström
(2021) Frontiers in Psychology, 12 p.604135-604135
Journal articleThe Electoral Choices of Voters with Coalition-Straddling Consideration Sets
Jacob Sohlberg, Annika Fredén
(2020) Social Science Quarterly, 101 p.1303-1313
Journal articlePolitical science : Moving from numbers to words in the case of Brexit
Annika Fredén
(2020) Statistical Semantics : Methods and Applications , p.249-262
Book chapterA social safety net? Rejection sensitivity and political opinion sharing among young people in social media
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
(2019) New Media & Society, 21
Journal articleInsurance strategic considerations in coalition-oriented systems : A consideration set model approach
Annika Fredén, Jacob Sohlberg
(2019) Electoral Studies, 57 p.302-308
Journal article"Rädsla snedvrider politisk debatt"
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2018) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
Newspaper articleWhy do people talk politics online? Because they don’t care what you think
Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
Web publicationA Social Safety Net? Incentives for sharing political information online
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
Conference paperOpinion Polls, Coalition Signals and Strategic Voting. : Evidence from a survey experiment
Annika Fredén
(2017) Scandinavian Political Studies, 40 p.247-264
Journal articleCoalitions, Coordination and Electoral Choice : A Lab Experimental Study of Strategic Voting
(2016) Voting Experiments, Part III p.191-213
Book chapterStrategic Voting under Coalition Governments
Annika Fredén
(2016) Lund Political Studies
DissertationThe Nordic Voter. Myths of Exceptionalism. Anmälan av Annika Fredén.
Annika Fredén
(2015) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 94 p.96-98
ReviewSkäl att rösta strategiskt i riksdagsval
Annika Fredén, Henrik Oscarsson
(2015) Fragment: SOM-undersökningen 2014, 63 p.377-386
Book chapterThreshold Insurance Voting in PR Systems: A Study of Voters’ Strategic Behavior in the 2010 Swedish General Election
Annika Fredén
(2014) Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 24 p.473-492
Journal article"Dåliga opinionssiffror kan rädda KD kvar i riksdagen"
Annika Fredén
(2013) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper article
I am an associate professor of political science with experience from project leading and teaching at all levels.
Research projects
- Bias and methods of AI technology studying political behavior (funded by Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse 2020-2026)
Research environment
- Political Psychology
- Comparative Politics
- Voting behavior
- Opinion