Political Science
Main research areas
- Feminist theory
- Poststructural theory
- Discourse analysis
My project deals with the decriminalization of incest during the 20th century in Sweden. I try to answer questions of how and why the decriminalization was politically initiated and what the normative implications of the decriminalization were.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleThe Prohibitive Condition : The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders
Caroline Karlsson
(2024) Lund Political Studies
DissertationAbort - vems rättighet? Om samtida abortdebatter i Sverige
Caroline Karlsson, Nadia Feshari
(2019) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 40
Journal article
I have a background in political science from Stockholm University. I always try to engage with feminist and critical thinking in my research.