Public Administration Theory Research Group
Studying the government and organisation of society
Departing from key concepts such as power, democracy, government and ethics, the members of this research group studies a range of different political processes, mainly in a Swedish context but also with an international outlook.
This group brings together researchers in political science and law, based in Lund, Malmö, Göteborg and Växjö. Past and present research projects deal with overarching themes such as marketisation, depoliticisation, juridification, projectification, Europeanisation and bureaucratisation - focusing on, amongst other things, New Public Management, health care reform, expert rule, climate politics, social investment funds, the European social fund, self-driving cars and artificial intelligence.
Public administration takes place at all political levels - international, national, regional and local, in democracies as well as authoritarian regimes. Also, issues of government and organisation cannot be limited to the public sector but are also relevant in private companies and civil society. Therefore, we are open to new members from a wide range of research fields and disciplines to take part in our activities.
Mats Fred
E-post: mats [dot] fred [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
- Alamaa, Linda
- Altermark, Niklas
- Bergström, Tomas
- Brolin, Linn
- Carlsson, Vanja (Ph.D. Candidate, School of public administration, Gothenburg)
- Davidsson, Simon
- Fred, Mats
- Gustafsson, Sofie (University of Gothenburg)
- Hall, Patrik (Malmö University)
- Hedin, Astrid (Malmö University)
- Hedlund, Maria
- Hildingsson, Roger
- Johansson Krafve, Linus (Linköping University)
- Karlsson, Caroline
- Knaggård, Åsa
- Lennhag, Mi
- Melander, Stina
- Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia
- Rosén Sundström, Malena
- Sjögren, Hanna (Malmö University)
- Stripple, Johannes
- Tejre, Maja
Maria Hedlund (2022) Distribution of forward-looking responsibility in the EU process on AI regulationFrontiers in Human Dynamics
Tobias Olofsson, Shai Mulinari, Maria Hedlund, Åsa Knaggård, Andreas Vilhelmsson (2022)The making of a Swedish strategy : How organizational culture shaped the Public Health Agency's pandemic response SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2
Mats Fred, Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren (2022)Productive resistance in public sector innovation – introducing social impact bonds in Swedish local government Public Management Review
Harriet Bulkeley, Johannes Stripple, Lars J Nilsson, Bregje van Veelen, Agni Kalfagianni, et al. (2022)Decarbonising Economies Elements in Earth System Governance
- Niklas Altermark, Hampus Nilsson (2020) State measurements of benefit fraud: Why expert elicitations cannot be used to measure incorrect personal assistance payments, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22 p.158-167, article in journal
- Jostein Askim, Tomas Bergström (2021) Between lockdown and calm down. Comparing the COVID-19 responses of Norway and Sweden, Local Government Studies, article in journal
- Simon Davidsson (2020) Modeling the Impact of a Model: The (Non)Relationship between China's Economic Rise and African Democracy, Politics and Policy, 48 p.859-886, article in journal
- Mats Fred, Kettil Nordesjö (2021) The power of evaluation, Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 25 p.3-15, article in journal
- Maria Hedlund (2020) När maskiner fattar beslut - vem är ansvarig?, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 122 p.545-565, article in journal
- Johannes Stripple, Alexandra Nikoleris, Roger Hildingsson (2021) Carbon Ruins: Engaging with Post-Fossil Transitions through Participatory World-Building, Politics and Governance, 9 p.87-99, article in journal
- Caroline Karlsson, Nadia Feshari (2019) Abort - vems rättighet? Om samtida abortdebatter i Sverige, tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 40, article in journal
- Erik Persson, Kerstin Eriksson, Åsa Knaggård (2021) A fair distribution of responsibility for climate adaptation-translating principles of distribution from an international to a local context, Philosophies, 6, article in journal
- Tove Lundberg, Stina Melander (2021) Professional Coping Strategies in a Temporal Perspective: A Pilot Study on How Swedish General Practitioners Deal With Challenges Inherent in Pain Management, SAGE Open, 11 p.1-14, article in journal
- Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren (2021) Local Autonomy in Temporary Organizations: The Case of Smart City Pilots, Administration and Society, article in journal
- Karl Löfgren, Ben Darrah-Morgan, Patrik Hall, Linda Alamaa (2021) The Rise of a New Public Bureaucracy in New Zealand?, Administration and Society, article in journal
- Malena Rosén Sundström, Ole Elgström (2020) Praise or critique? Sweden's feminist foreign policy in the eyes of its fellow EU members, European Politics and Society, 21 p.418-433, article in journal
- Johannes Stripple, Alexandra Nikoleris, Roger Hildingsson (2021) Carbon Ruins: Engaging with Post-Fossil Transitions through Participatory World-Building, Politics and Governance, 9 p.87-99, article in journal
- Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Ylva Stubbergaard (2019) Kommunal samverkan under press - Hur sex skånska kommuner inkluderar nyanlända, KEFUs skriftserie, report
Education in Swedish
- Masterprogram i statsvetenskap
- Politices kandidatprogram
- Statsvetenskap, grundkurs
- Statsvetenskap, fortsättningskurs
- Politik och styrelse
- Underrättelseanalys kandidatkurs
- Politisk makt och demokrati
Education in English
15 oktober kl. 14.00-16.00, G:a Kirurgen 236 (Hus R 236)
25 november kl.14.00-16.00, G:a Kirurgen 236 (Hus R 236)
16 January
International Public Administration. Reading seminar together with
Peace and International Politics. kl.10.00-11.30 (10 sharp)
27 February
Lilla konferensrummet Eden 366, kl.11.00-12.00 (11 sharp)
6 March
Venue: TBA. kl.14.30-16.00
20 March
Lilla konferensrummet Eden 366. kl.10.00-11.30 (10 sharp)
19 April
Stora konferensrummet Eden 367. kl.13.00-15.00 (13 sharp)
25 April
Ekonomicentrum EC3:207, Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund
7 May
Stora konferensrummet Eden 367. kl.09.00-10.00 (09 sharp)
14 May
Stora konferensrummet Eden 367. kl.09.00-10.00 (09 sharp)
Venue: Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367). Time: 13.15-15.00
6 November, Staffan Furusten (Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet och Score): Fler som kan mindre och färre som kan mer – en konsekvens av ökad konsultanvändning i förvaltningen. (samarr med KEFU)
Venue: Spoletorps hörsal. Spolegatan 1 R, Lund. Time: 14.00-16.00.
Registration before: 2023-10-30
14 November, Markus Holdo (LU) Caring for Democracy
Venue: TBA. Time: 13.00-14.00 (13 sharp)
Venue: Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367). Time: 13.15-15.00
7 December, Forskning som förändring, Lennart Svensson, professor, Linköpings universitet (samarr med KEFU)
Tid: Torsdagen den 7 december 14.00-16.00
Var?: via Zoom:
Kan forskning bidra till förändring i en kommunal verksamhet, organisation eller förvaltning?
På seminariet redovisas olika försök att göra just detta. Lennart Svensson visar på svårigheterna med att skapa nytta av forskning, men också på möjligheter som finns genom att diskutera exempel från regionala samverkansgrupper, forskarskolor, kommundoktorander, högskoleutbildningar, och utvärderingar av projekt. Seminariet är dialogbaserat och utgår gärna från deltagarnas egna erfarenheter, funderingar och planerade satsningar i regionen.
Medverkande: Lennart Svensson, professor, Linköpings universitet
Tid: Torsdagen den 7 december 14.00-16.00
Plats: Webbinarium
Pris: Gratis för alla intresserade
These are interesting and challenging times for public administration and, as such, also intriguing and exciting for us researchers of public organization, administration and governance. As a testament to this, we have 5 great seminars planned for this semester that I would like to invite you all to:
- 27th February, Caroline Karlsson (LU) "Do we need a legislated incest prohibition?" - Ed366 kl. 11.00-12.00 (11 sharp)
- 23th March, Hanna Sjögren (MAU) "Unruly Customers: How Parents’ (In)actions “Mess with” Civil Servants in Local School Choice Markets." - Ed366 kl. 11.00-12.00 (11 sharp)
- 13th April, Astrid Hedin (MAU) "Veto point authoritarianism." - Ed366 kl. 11.00-12.00 (11 sharp)
- 27 April, Barbara Czarniawska (GU) "Personnel management in secret service organizations." – Ed367 kl. 13.15-15.00.
- 4th May, Linda Alamaa (HH) "Managers or support function? Making sense of organisational professionals in public sector organisations." - Ed137 kl. 11.00-12.00 (11 sharp)
In addition to this, there are seminars coming up in collaboration with KEFU (I’ll get back to you on this note). I would also like to once again make a note on the fact that we are hosting NOOS (Nätverk i Offentlig Organisation och Styrning) this year. NOOS is an excellent transdisciplinary network/seminar devoted to PhD research about public organization, administration and governance (in the broadest of senses). So for all you PhD candidates – see this as an open invitation!
All the best,
Mats Fred
- Wednesday 12th October 2022, 10:15-11:00:
Maria Strömvik and Jelle Verheij present their work on Transparency and stakeholder participation in executive EU lawmaking. [Seminar in collaboration with European Union Research Group]
Eden large conference room, E367
- Wednesday 26th October 2022, 11:00-12:00:
Can the marriage between Political Science and Public Administration be saved?
“Book club” where we read and discuss Donald Kettls’ article in Governance:
Eden Ed230
- Thursday 17th November 2022, 11-12:
Paulina Vaughn. The convergence between neoliberal, conservative, and social-democratic ideas in the critique of the Swedish welfare state: an analysis of Assar Lindbeck’s work.
Venue: P008 (Psychology department – The building opposite to Eden)
- Thursday 8th December 2022, 14:00-16.00:
Gissur Ó Erlingsson. Den lokala demokratins vägval. [Seminar in collaboration with KEFU].
Venue: (Stora Algatan 4)
Link to registration:
Previous seminars this fall:
Monday 5th September 2022, 09:00-11.00: Daniel Pargman, Title: Fools are everywhere: The role of the court jester in the 21st century
Large Conference Room, Eden (Ed 367)
Friday 30th September 2022, 10:15-12:00: Christophe Midler, Challenges and perspectives of projectification for societal innovation in a fragmented and chaotic world.
St Algatan hörsal (auditorium)
January 19, at 09.00-11.00 (Zoom)
Innovation Resistance. Moving beyond dominant framings
Helena Fornstedt from Uppsala University
Notice of interest: Mats Fred (mats [dot] fred [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (mats[dot]fred[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se))
April 26, at 14.00-16.00
Seminar with Eva Edström Fors ’Relationen mellan stat och kommun och riktade statsbidrag’
Plats: St Algatan hörsal (auditorium): Stora Algatan 4, Lund
Register participation to: mats [dot] fred [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (mats[dot]fred[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
May 5, at 12.15-13.15
Place: We will meet in the Large conference room at Eden (Lund University). There will be a possibility to join-in via zoom.
We have a joint session with the Development studies group related to the theme Projectification (the increasing reliance on projects and other temporary modes of organizing). This will be a seminar based on the readings of two-three articles that thigh issues related to development studies together with issues related to public administration.
May 23, at 14.00-16.00
Detta KEFU-seminarium handlar om hur automatiserat beslutsfattande påverkar kommunala aktörers handlingsutrymme, med avstamp i exemplet socialtjänst och socialt arbete. Seminariet ingår i KEFU:s seminarieserie ”den kommunala demokratin i förändring”.
Medverkande: Lupita Svensson (Fil. Dr) är forskare i social arbete vid Lunds universitet och har sedan 2015 forskat om socialtjänst och digitalisering i flera forskningsprojekt, ofta i nära samarbete med fältet.
Plats: St Algatan hörsal (auditorium): Stora Algatan 4, Lund
Anmälan till: mats [dot] fred [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (mats[dot]fred[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Research Group Seminars
Link to the calendar for the research groups' meetings.