Political Science
Main research and teaching areas
- International cooperation and politics of development
- Politics and global health
- Global governance and national policymaking
Current research and teaching
Research interests concern international cooperation in the broad field of development focusing on governance issues, policy processes and global-local linkages. Current research deal with transformative partnerships and implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), building on previous projects about legitimacy and responsibility of realising the SDGs at the national level as well as research on legitimacy in global governance with special focus on global health. Teaching evolves around development studies, policy studies, comparative politics, and international relations.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Multistakeholder Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Sources and Audiences of Self-legitimation in the Fields of Health and Climate
Matteo de Donà, Kristina Jönsson, Magdalena Bexell
(2024) Global Society
Journal articleScoping article. Research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals
Thomas Hickmann, Frank Biermann, Carole Anne Sénit, Yixian Sun, Magdalena Bexell, et al.
(2024) Global Sustainability, 7
Journal article reviewImplementation at Multiple Levels
Andrea Ordóñez Llanos, Rob Raven, Magdalena Bexell, Brianna Botchwey, Basil Bornemann, et al.
(2022) The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance Through Global Goals? , p.59-91
Book chapterIntroduction: The Comparative Study of (De)legitimation Processes in Global Governance
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, Anders Uhlin
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Book chapterThe Politics of Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: A Theoretical Framework
Magdalena Bexell, Karin Bäckstrand, Farsan Ghassim, Catia Gregoratti, Kristina Jönsson, et al.
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Book chapterConclusions: Legitimation and Delegitimation of Global Governance Institutions
Kristina Jönsson, Anders Uhlin
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences
Book chapterJustifications in the (De)legitimation of Global Health Governance and Global Trade Governance
Kristina Jönsson, Catia Gregoratti
(2022) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance : Practices, Justifications, and Audiences , p.140-161
Book chapterRealizing the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development–engaging national parliaments?
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
(2022) Policy Studies, 43 p.621-639
Journal articleThe Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Legitimacy, Responsibility, and Accountability.
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
(2021) Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development
BookLocalizing the Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Tanzania
Kristina Jönsson, Magdalena Bexell
(2021) Development Policy Review, 39 p.181-196
Journal articlePromoting Change in Higher Education: Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School
Kristina Jönsson, Ylva van Meeningen
(2021) Renewing Higher Education: Academic Leadership in Times of Transformation , p.287-297
Book chapterWhose legitimacy beliefs count? Targeted audiences in global governance legitimation processes.
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, Nora Stappert
(2021) Journal of International Relations and Development , p.483-508
Journal articleCountry Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals—The Politics of Performance Review at the Global-National Nexus
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
(2019) Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 20 p.403-417
Journal articleObject(s) of (De)Legitimation? : The Case of WHO
Kristina Jönsson, Rachel Irwin
Conference - otherAudiences of De(Legitimation) in Global Governance
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
(2018) Legitimacy in Global Governance. : Sources, Processes, and Consequences , p.119-133
Book chapterResponsibility and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
(2017) Forum for Development Studies, 44 p.13-29
Journal articleSwedish Responsibility and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson
ReportLegitimation Challenges in Global Health Governance: The Case of Non-Communicable Diseases
Kristina Jönsson
(2015) Global Governance, Legitimacy and Legitimation
Book chapterHealth policy evolution in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Context, processes and agency
Kristina Jönsson, Bounfeng Phoummalaysith, Rolf Wahlström, Göran Tomson
(2015) Health Policy and Planning, 30 p.518-527
Journal article reviewHealth
Kristina Jönsson
(2015) Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics , p.512-519
Book chapterLegitimation Challenges in Global Health Governance: The Case of Non-Communicable Diseases.
Kristina Jönsson
(2014) Globalizations, 11 p.301-314
Journal articleGlobal and Local Health Governance: Civil society, human rights and hiv/aids
Christer Jönsson, Kristina Jönsson
(2012) Third World Quarterly, 33 p.1719-1734
Journal articlePolitics and Development in a Globalised World. An Introduction
Kristina Jönsson, Anne Jerneck, Malin Arvidson
BookPublic health nutrition workforce development in seven European countries: constraining and enabling factors
Susanna Kugelberg, Svandis Jonsdottir, Elisabeth Faxelid, Kristina Jönsson, Ann Fox, et al.
(2012) Public Health Nutrition, 15 p.1989-1998
Journal articleUnderstanding the process of establishing a food and nutrition policy: the case of Slovenia
Susanna Kugelberg, Kristina Jönsson, Agneta Yngve
(2012) Health Policy, 107 p.91-97
Journal articleFronesis: anställningsordning och jämställdhetsintegrering
Kristina Jönsson, Annica Kronsell
(2012) AKKA AKademiska Kollegors Ansvar. Ledarutvecklingsprogram för kvinnor och män vid Lunds universitet 2010-2011. Erfarenheter av ett genusintegrerat ledarskapsprogram , p.33-46
Book chapterPolitik och utveckling i en globaliserad värld. En introduktion
Kristina Jönsson, Anne Jerneck, Malin Arvidson
BookStakeholder perceptions of aid coordination implementation in the Zambian health sector
Jesper Sundewall, Kristina Jönsson, Caesar Cheelo, Göran Tomson
(2010) Health Policy, 95 p.122-128
Journal articleUnity-in-Diversity? Regional Identity-building in Southeast Asia
Kristina Jönsson
(2010) Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, XXIX p.41-72
Journal articleLaos in 2009. Recession and Southeast Asian Games
Kristina Jönsson
(2010) Asian Survey, 50 p.241-246
Journal articleLAOS IN 2008. Hydropower and Flooding (or Business as Usual)
Kristina Jönsson
(2009) Asian Survey, Vol. XLIX p.200-205
Journal articleThe Paris Declaration in practice: challenges of health-sector aid coordination at the district level in Zambia
Jesper Sundewall, Birger Forsberg, Kristina Jönsson, Collins Chansa, Göran Tomson
(2009) Health Research Policy and Systems, 7
Journal articleGlobal governance vs local governance in the field of HIV/AIDS: an analytical framework
Kristina Jönsson
(2009) [Host publication title missing] , p.474-480
Conference paperAuthoritarian States in Southeast Asia in Times of Globalisation: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar
Kristina Jönsson
(2008) Globalization and Its Counter-forces in Southeast Asia
Book chapterHealth policy processes in Asian transitional economies
Gerald Bloom, Lijie Fang, Kristina Jönsson, Chean Rithy Men, Bounfeng Phoummalaysith, et al.
(2008) Health and Social Protection: Experiences from China, Cambodia and Lao PDR
Book chapterPolicymaking in transitional economies: poverty reduction and health care in Cambodia and Laos
Kristina Jönsson
(2008) [Host publication title missing]
Book chapterUnity-in-diversity? Regional Identity Building in Southeast Asia
Kristina Jönsson
(2008) Working papers in contemporary Asian studies
Working paperHealth systems research in Lao PDR: Capacity development for getting research into policy and practice
Kristina Jönsson, Göran Tomson, Christer Jönsson, Sengchanh Kounnavong, Rolf Wahlström
(2007) Health Research Policy and Systems, 5
Journal articleIssue without Boundaries: HIV/AIDS in Southeast Asia
Kristina Jönsson
(2006) Working papers in contemporary Asian studies
Working paperDecision makers and the usefulness of research evidence in policy implementation: a case study from Lao PDR
Kristina Jönsson, Göran Tomson, Chanthakhath Paphassarang, Rolf Wahlström, Keonakon Houamboun, et al.
(2005) Social Science and Medicine, 61 p.1291-1299
Journal articleGlobalization, Authoritarian Regimes and Political Change: Vietnam and Laos
Kristina Jönsson
(2002) Globalization and Democratization in Asia: the Construction of Identity
Book chapterThe Global-Local Nexus Revisited: Constructing Asia in Times of Globalization
Catarina Kinnvall, Kristina Jönsson
(2002) Globalization and democratization in Asia : the construction of identity
Book chapterTranslating Foreign Ideas into Domestic Practices : Pharmaceutical Policies in Laos and Vietnam
Kristina Jönsson
(2002) Lund Political Studies
DissertationDemokratiska värderingar - universella eller kontextuella?
Kristina Jönsson
(1998) Demokratisering i tredje världen
Book chapter
Kristina Jönsson is Associate Professor and Head of Department. She is also coordinator of the Research School on Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction (Development Research School).
Development Studies Group, Department of Political Science, Lund University
Research projects
Transformative partnerships for sustainable development: Assessing synergies, effectiveness and legitimacy of UN:s multi-stakeholder partnerships across SDGs to achieve the 2030 Agenda (Formas-project with the Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm University, Vrije Universiteit, and Lund University)