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[PDF] Arbetsmiljopolicy 2020-2023 handlingsplan 2021 eng
Crisis and preparedness planning at the Department of Political Science
Comparative Politics Lunch Seminars: Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte (University of Southampton) On Sex and Stigma: Bedding the Far- Right? (co-sponsored by the Gender and Politics Research Group)
Comparative Politics Lunch Seminars: Erik Bengtsson (Lund University) The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison
Comparative Politics Lunch Seminars: Adea Gafuri (Swedish Institute of International Affairs) Does it Matter to Politicians Where Foreign Aid Comes From? An Experimental Test with Elites (co-sponsored by Politics & Development Studies)
Comparative Politics Lunch Seminars: Orly Siow (Lund University) Muted Voices: An Intersectional Analysis of the Representation of Black Men and Masculinities in the House of Commons 1979-2019 (co-sponsored by the Gender and Politics Research Group)
Work environment policy for the Department of Political Science
Organisation and Governance
LUCRIS and the Research Portal
STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics
Research Committee
Project finances
Doctoral studies
After your doctoral studies
In case of emergency
Employment 2024-06-28
Terms of employment for doctoral students
For new employees
For new employees: Doctoral students