Youth in the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change

Young people are increasingly active in the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change. At this event, youth representatives share insights about getting involved in climate and biodiversity conservation politics at different governance levels (local to global). You are invited to discuss your own experiences and reflections about youth engagement in sustainability politics.
This event deals with the role of youth in global sustainability politics. Young people and youth organizations are increasingly active in responding to biodiversity loss and climate change. They engage in local, national, and global environmental politics in various ways. Young people meet and discuss sustainability in youth councils, organize country-wide campaigns and protests, and take part in international environmental negotiations.
This event aims to direct attention and raise awareness among students and the public about youth who advocate more ambitious action against environmental degradation and better measures for climate protection and biodiversity conservation. Building upon a research project at political science department looking at civil society’s role in global biodiversity and climate governance (funded by BECC), this event aims to bring young activists, youth organizations, student organizations and environmental experts together with interested students and the public. Guests and audience will discuss the impacts and limitations of youth engagement in transformative changes that tackle the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.
The event will start with a general introduction to the topic with a thematic input (15 min) followed by a World Café format with smaller interactive group discussions during which participants can switch groups two or three times (40-60 min). After the smaller group discussions, table conveners and speakers report back and organizers will moderate an open discussion before they will wrap up and summarize key points from the discussion at the end (20-25 min).
14:30h-14:45h: Welcome and introduction with thematic input (Thomas and Yi hyun)
14:45h-15:30h: World Café format with 4-5 roundtables chaired by different conveners and speakers
15:30h-15:50h: Reporting back and open discussion
15:50h-16:00h: Wrapping up
Register for the event:
- Thomas Hickmann, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Lund University
- Yi hyun Kang, Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Political Science, Lund University
Table conveners/speakers
- Linda Birkedal, Environmental Strategist at Lund municipality
- Christian Ekström, Lund Fältbiologerna
- Alice Gimbro Frisk, Swedish Youth Delegate to the UNFCCC
- Emma Lewin and Nelly Samuelsson, Representatives of Lund municipality’s youth council
- Hanna Lisspers, President of Klimatstudenterna at Lund University
- Villemo Tomasdotter, Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network
Smaller group discussions can be held in Swedish or English according to the preferences of the participants.
Om alla I gruppen förstår svenska hålls gruppdiskussioner på svenska, men den som hellre talar engelska kan göra det. Om någon har svårt att förstå svenska används engelska genomgående.
This event is part of Sustainability Week 2024, an annual event organized in collaboration between Lund University and Lund Municipality. In this year's program April 8-13, you will find lectures, workshops, guided tours, exhibitions, and more.
See full program at hallbarhet.lu.se
Om evenemanget
Hörsalen at Pufendorf Institute
Gratis inträde
Young people, students and student groups, the interested wider public
In English
thomas [dot] hickmann [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se