Development Lunch Seminar: The Research Process for Sustainable Rural Communities: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
Welcome to a Development Lunch Seminar with Andrés Palacio (Lund University).
“The Research Process for Sustainable Rural Communities: A Transdisciplinary Perspective”
Read more about Andrés Palacio's research here.
About the Development Lunch Seminars
The Development Research Lunch is a bi-weekly research seminar for all scholars interested in development research, broadly defined. The series is a collaboration between the Development Group at the Department of Economic History at Lund University, and the Development Research School, in turn a collaboration between the Universities of Lund, Gothenburg and Uppsala, and the University of Ghana. The seminar series encourages both junior and senior scholars to present, from a wide range of disciplines.
Om evenemanget
Department of Economic History at Lund University (Alfa, Room 1:1104)
emelie [dot] rohne_till [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se