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Communication support

Who is your target audience, what’s your message, how do you get it across and what should it look like?

On this page you will find useful information when it comes to communication, our web pages and Lund University's guidelines and graphic profile.

LUCRIS will help you reach out with your research

LUCRIS is Lund University's research information system. The purpose of LUCRIS is to make the collective research of individual researchers, research groups and Lund University visible. The public interface to LUCRIS is called the Research Portal.

The aim of the research information system is to register and showcase not only Lund University’s research publications, but also projects, collaborations and other research-related activities. Gathering this information in one place provides a good overview of our researchers and our research activities.

LUCRIS is also used in the University’s and the faculties’ work on evaluations, planning and strategy. The information registered in LUCRIS can be highlighted in reports, which can form the basis for strategies and decisions.

LUCRIS provides an overview of how your projects relate to publications, activities and other relevant things that are entered into the system. Just make sure you connect them and keep your page up to date!

Log-in here:

Edit your personal webpage

The employees who have personal pages on our external websites are responsible for keeping them updated. You need to log in to both the English and the Swedish pages.

  1. Log in to our websites:
    Login to our Swedish website:
    Login to our English website:
  2. Go to your own personal page and press edit
  3. Don't forget to update your profile in LUCRIS


When you as a researcher or communicator communicate research via media, social media, events or in other public contexts, you should strive to follow the University's principles for good public research communication. We should also try to simplify and "translate" science and research into something that people outside the research community can also benefit from. As a public authority, Lund University also has a responsibility to promote communication that is accessible to all. To do this, we need to use plain language (plain English) when communicating. Plain language is language that is neat, simple and understandable.

For guidelines and tips, see: Writing popular science texts | Staff Pages ( and  Principles for research communication | Staff Pages (

News template

When you have a news item, send the following information to the web editor (if possible in both Swedish and English):

  • Suggested title (Use a maximum of 90 characters to work on all types of screens)
  • A short, catchy popular science summary of the publication's content and results in Plain Language (approx. 100 words)
  • Author (s)
  • Title of publication/article
  • Link to publication/article
  • If you have, please send an interesting picture (which may be published)
  • If you and the rest of the news have a Twitter ID, please enter this for better spread on social media

For news that does not apply to books, book chapters or articles, please contact the web editor for more information. Likewise, if you have news tips. 

If you need help with translating, we also need to check that the translation is correct in terms of the scientific content (feel free to get help from your colleagues for review!)

E-mail (web editor): webbredaktor [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (webbredaktor[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)

What we will publish on our websites

Which news will in the most cases be publish: 

  • Articles in academic journals (it must have been quality checked by an editor)
  • Books (it must have been quality checked by an editor)
  • Book chapters (it must have been quality checked by an editor)
  • Doctoral dissertation defence
  • Grants and new research projects 
  • Student news
  • Special occasions

Which news will in the most cases not be publish:

  • “Our researchers in media” (published only on social media)
  • Conference contribution
  • Keynote speech
  • Posting of doctoral thesis

There can be exceptions to the guidelines above. If so, it will go through the management team.

Whom may be the sender of news

Our employees

Doctoral student who have recently defended his/her thesis but do not have any other employment

Lund University's templates and logotypes

Most templates are available for download in Lund University’s Image and Media Bank. The links provided here lead directly to each template. If you are not logged in to the Image and Media Bank, you will first land on the start page – log in with your Lucat ID to get through to the template.


Contact for web and communication

webbredaktor [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Contact the department's web editor if you have questions or ideas concerning the department's communication)