Project finances
The last years the department has been very successful when it comes to external funding of research projects. Right now, we have about 60 projects running. To make the project administration more effective and give you the best service, the projects are divided between our two financial officers.
Those listed below should contact Sofie Lindmark with all questions regarding running projects and new applications. If Sofie is absent, it is of course ok to contact Stefan. If you are not listed below, then you should contact Stefan.
Researchers that have Sofie Lindmark as contact person:
- Niklas Altermark
- Magdalena Bexell
- Hanna Bäck
- Rola El-Husseini Dean
- Mats Fred
- Annika Fredén
- Maria Hedlund
- Thomas Hickmann
- Markus Holdo
- Kristina Jönsson
- Sara Kalm
- Robert Klemmensen
- Åsa Knaggård
- Ian Manners
- Stina Melander
- Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren
- Jonathan Polk
- Orlanda Siow
- Jakob Skovgaard
- Florence So
- Lisa Strömbom
- Ted Svensson
- Anders Uhlin
- Fariborz Zelli
Contact financial officers
Stefan Alenius
E-mail: stefan [dot] alenius [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]alenius[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: 046-222 89 35
Sofie Lindmark
E-post: sofie [dot] lindmark [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se
Telefon: 046-222 41 07