Rules of procedure for the Department of Political Science
At a meeting on 2022-02-02, the Board of the Department of Political Science adopted these rules of procedure. The Rules of Procedure are a local application of the "Rules of Procedure for Lund University" and "Delegation of Procedure and Working Methods for the Faculty of Social Sciences". The rules of procedure specify the organisation of the Department of Political Science, decision-making, preparatory and advisory functions as well as special positions of trust.
The purpose of these rules of procedure is to clarify the Department of Political Science's organisation, decision-making, preparatory and advisory functions as well as special positions of trust. Some of the bodies, functions and positions of trust presented below are the department required to establish in accordance with current regulations at Lund University and the Faculty of Social Sciences. Other bodies – often advisory – are established by decision of the Head of Department or the Department Board or exist by tradition.
According to Lund University's rules of procedure, a department is normally led by a Department Board and by a hHead of Department. The present document therefore begins with an account of the tasks of the Department Board and the Head of Department, after which special positions of trust and other decision-making, preparatory and advisory functions are presented.
The Department Board
The activities of the departments at Lund University are regulated in the "Rules of Procedure for Lund University". Departments are formally established by the respective faculty board. A department should normally be led by a department board and under this by a head of department. The Department Board has, within the framework decided by the Faculty Board, overall responsibility for education, research, quality and development work. An important part of the department board's work concerns budget-related issues and the finances of the activities – and associated priorities – as well as follow-up of resource use.
The composition of the Department Board and election of the board members
The Board of the Department of Political Science consists, in accordance with the "Delegation of authority and working methods for the Faculty of Social Sciences", of nine members, including one head of department, four representatives of scientifically competent teachers, one representative of other employees and three student representatives. The head of department is the chairman of the board. The group of representatives of scientifically competent teachers usually includes people from more than one employment category. One of the three student representatives normally represents the group of doctoral students. The safety representatives at a department have the right to attend and speak at the meetings of the department board. There may be deputies for the members. Additional persons may be co-opted to the Board in a special order, with the right to attend and speak (see further below under "The Department Board's working methods").
The members of the department board, in addition to the chairman and student representatives, are appointed through elections. The term of office for members, with the exception of student representatives, is three years. The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that elections are conducted and decides on the Nomination Committee's term of office. The Nomination Committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, of which at least one shall be a representative of other employees. The Nomination Committee is appointed by election. Elections at Lund University are regulated in more detail in the "Rules of Procedure for Lund University", "Regulations on Elections to the University Collegium and Elections at Faculty and Department Level" and "Lund University's Appointment Regulations" respectively.
Student representatives are appointed in the order stipulated in §7 Student Union Ordinance (2009:769).
Tasks of the Department Board
The Department Board is the department's highest decision-making body. The Board's more detailed tasks are set out in the "Delegation of authority and working methods for the Faculty of Social Sciences".
The board of a department shall:
- decide on guidelines for the department's activities and use of resources;
- monitor the activities of the institution, analyse the results and ensure that resources are used effectively;
- decide on matters submitted to the Board.
The Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences has delegated to the Board of the Department in a special order, to decide on the following:
Regarding education at first- and second-cycle level:
- courses
- number of study places on freestanding courses and programmes within the framework of the department's educational mission
- deviation from the main rule of guaranteed places for a higher course
- course syllabi and reading lists
- appointment of examiner
- supplementary admission to courses
- deferment from the start of studies
- cancelling a course
- transfer of credits from previous studies
(New courses are established by the Faculty Board. Programme syllabi are approved by the Faculty Board.)
Regarding degree programmes given within an individual institution:
- admission
- admission to later part of programmes
- supplementary admission
- deferment from the start of studies
- transfer of credits from previous studies
- approved leave from studies
- cancelling a course
- to adopt a proposal for a programme syllabus
(The department board can appoint a management group for the programme where student representatives are to be included. Decisions on admission, admission to a later part of a programme, deferral, transfer of credits from previous studies, approved leave from studies and decisions on cancelling courses can be delegated to the director of studies/equivalent.)
Regarding doctoral education:
- establishment of courses
- adoption of syllabi, syllabus changes and reading lists
- the training in teaching and learning in higher education must take place in the form of a credit-based part of the education or as part of the doctoral student's departmental duties
- credit transfer of previous education or professional activity at doctoral level. This decision-making power may not be delegated to the doctoral student's supervisor.
- number of members of the examining committee, three or five
The Department Board's working methods
The Department Board is a collegiate body and shall work in a collegial spirit with regard to the department's activities as a whole. The Board's approach should be principled and policy-oriented, whereby researchers and teachers should be given a great deal of freedom to shape their own activities in collegial collaboration.
The work of the department board is led by the Head of Department. Matters in the Board are decided after a presentation by the Head of Department or by the person appointed by the Head of Department. The department board has a quorum when more than half of the number of members, including the chair, is present. Decisions are made by acclamation unless a vote is requested. Voting shall take place openly in accordance with Section 29 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900). The outcome is determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.
In addition to what is regulated in the University's and the Faculty's rules of procedure, persons may be co-opted with the right to attend and speak on the Department Board. The Department of Political Science normally gives the Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Heads of Department, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Doctoral Studies, Head of subject Peace and Conflict Studies and Head of subject Intelligence Analysis this opportunity. The right of expression should be exercised with caution and usually relates to matters related to the co-opted's area of responsibility and/or rapporteur.
Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department and Assistant Heads of Department
Head of Department/Prefect
The Prefect is Head of Department and chairman of the Department Board. The Head of Department shall work to ensure that research and education are conducted with high quality within the department's activities and work to promote the department's collaboration with the surrounding society. The Head of Department represents the department within and outside the university.
The Head of Department is responsible for the department's day-to-day activities and must ensure that the activities are conducted in accordance with laws and regulations, collective agreements and other agreements, thereby ensuring the correct exercise of public authority and that employer responsibility is maintained. The Head of Department also has the decision-making powers delegated by the Department Board and the Faculty Board.
The Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences has delegated to the Head of the Department in a special order the task of deciding on:
Regarding doctoral education:
- admission to doctoral studies after preparation at department level (This decision-making power may not be delegated to another individual official at department level. In cases where the Head of Department is intended as a supervisor, the decision is made by the Assistant/Deputy Head of Department.)
- appointment of principal supervisor and supervisor (This decision-making power may not be delegated further. In cases where the Head of Department is intended as a supervisor, the decision is made by the Assistant/Deputy Head of Department.)
- establishment of and annual follow-up of individual study plans (This decision-making power may not be delegated further. In cases where the head of department is the supervisor, the decision is made by the Assistant/Deputy Head of Department.)
- appointment of examiners
- appointment of director of studies with responsibility for doctoral education
- special permission to participate in the department's courses at doctoral level for persons who have not been admitted to doctoral studies at Lund University
Regarding personnel administrative matters:
- termination of employment in the event of an obligation to retire due to age in accordance with the rules of law and collective agreements and in the event of illness in accordance with a decision of the Social Insurance Agency (with the exception of professors)
- salary, in salary review,
- for professors, in consultation with the dean
- teachers and TA staff in consultation with the personnel manager
- a new salary level for doctoral students with a doctoral studentship, after approval by the main supervisor
- other issues regarding employment such as:
- granting/rejecting an application for leave of absence (for doctoral student employment only if the leave is due to parental leave or service in the Swedish Armed Forces),
- organisation of the employee's working hours within the framework of the applicable collective agreement, the employee's performance of duties,
- vacations, rehabilitation measures
- remuneration in the form of fees and hourly employment
- extension of doctoral student employment due to departmental duties, illness, parental leave, service in the total defence or positions of trust in trade unions or student organisations (Guidelines for extension of doctoral student employment etc. 2015-10-29, ref. no. STYR 2015/1170)
- establishment of work instructions for the staff of the institutions
- proposal for a decision on employment as a postdoctoral fellow, adjunct senior lecturer, lecturer and adjunct lecturer after preparation at department level and in consultation with the Vice-Chair of the Academic Appointments Board
- intermittent employment
In addition, the decision "Regulations on the distribution of decision-making powers and the right to sign agreements at Lund University" sets out the Vice-Chancellor's delegations to the Head of Department as signatories.
The Head of Department is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty for a period of three years following a proposal from the department's employees through election. The Dean decides on the scope of the assignment. The Head of Department must be a scientifically or artistically competent teacher. The incumbent Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that elections are carried out. Elections at Lund University are regulated in more detail in the "Rules of Procedure for Lund University", "Regulations on Elections to the University Collegium and Elections at Faculty and Department Level" and "Lund University's Appointment Regulations" respectively.
Deputy Head of Department/Deputy Prefect
The Head of Department must have a deputy, also called the Deputy Prefect. The Deputy Head of Department replaces the Head of Department in his/her absence and does not have any delegated duties. The Deputy Head of Department is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty for a period of three years following a proposal from the department's employees by election. The Dean decides on the scope of the assignment. The Deputy Head of Department must be a scientifically or artistically competent teacher.
Assistant Heads of Department
If necessary, assistant heads of department may be appointed, in which case some of the Head of Department's tasks are delegated. The Assistant Heads of Department are appointed, if applicable, by the Dean on the basis of a proposal from the Head of Department. The Dean decides on the scope of the assignment. The Assistant Head of Department's area of responsibility must be described in a written delegation from the Head of Department. Assignment supplement is paid.
The Department of Political Science currently has two assistant heads of department with tasks as follows:
- Assistant Head of Department for Doctoral Studies and Postdocs. The employer's representative in relation to doctoral students. Responsibility for preparing for admission to doctoral education and for policy issues regarding doctoral education in collaboration with the director of doctoral studies. The employer's representatives in relation to postdocs, researchers with fixed-term appointments, project assistants and teaching assistants, together with the preparation responsibility for such employments. Scope approximately 40% of full-time.
- Assistant Head of Department for Undergraduate and Master's Education. The employer's representative in relation to and supervisory responsibility for study administrative staff and teachers with fixed-term appointments, together with preparation responsibility for such employments. Preparation responsibility for policy issues regarding teaching at first- and second-cycle level in collaboration with the director of studies for first- and second-cycle education. Scope approximately 25% of full-time.
Special positions of trust at department level
At the Department of Political Science, there are a number of special positions of trust as follows:
Director of First and Second Cycle Studies
Operational responsibility for the form and content of the education. Pedagogical development responsibility. Contact person in matters concerning education at first- and second-cycle level and, in collaboration with the Assistant Head of Department (Undergraduate and Master's Education), responsibility for drafting policy issues regarding teaching at first- and second-cycle level. Convener of teacher meetings and representative in the Faculty of Social Sciences' council for education at undergraduate and graduate level. Scope approximately 50% of full-time. Assignment Supplement. Appointed by the Dean on the basis of a proposal from the Head of Department.
Director of Undergraduate and Master's Education
Operational responsibility for staffing in teaching in collaboration with the Assistant Head of Department and the Director of Studies (first- and second-cycle education). Scope approximately 30% of full-time. Appointed by the Head of Department.
Director of Doctoral Studies
Contact person for the doctoral education and operational responsibility for the form and content of the doctoral education. Pedagogical development responsibility. Responsibility for preparing for admission to doctoral education and for policy issues regarding doctoral education in collaboration with the Assistant Head of Department for Doctoral Studies. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and representative in the Faculty of Social Sciences' Doctoral Education Council. Scope approximately 20% of full-time. Appointed by the Head of Department.
Responsible for Research Coordination
(former Assistant Head of Department, Coordination of Research (amended in accordance with the Board decision 2024-12-11, appendix (§ 7)). Contact person and preparation responsibility in research-related issues. Chair of the department's research council and representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences' research council. Responsibility for preparing matters concerning promotion to docent and professor. Scope approximately 20% of full-time. Appointed by the Head of Department.
Responsible for subject Peace and Conflict Studies
Head of Subject. Operational responsibility for the form and content of the education in collaboration with the Director of Studies for Education at First- and Second-cycle Level. Responsibility for staffing in collaboration with the Assistant Head of Department for Undergraduate and Master's Education. Coordination responsibility for joint activities related to the research group in peace and conflict studies. Scope approximately 20% of full-time. Appointed by the Head of Department.
Responsible for subject Intelligence Analysis
Head of Subject. Operational responsibility for the form and content of the education in collaboration with the Director of Studies for Education at First- and Second-cycle Level. Responsibility for staffing in collaboration with the Assistant Head of Department for Undergraduate and Master's Education. Coordination responsibility for joint activities related to the research group in intelligence analysis. Scope approximately 15% of full-time. Appointed by the Head of Department.
Coordinator for External Engagement
Contact person and resource person in matters of external engagement. Representative in the "External Engagement Council" at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Scope as agreed.
Safety Representative
Scope approximately 15% of full-time. Appointed jointly by the workers' organisations on the basis of proposals from the staff of the department by election. The safety representative's powers are regulated by law (the Work Environment Act). The tasks of safety representatives at Lund University are described in more detail in the "Instructions for safety representatives at Lund University".
Nominating Committee
Elections for Head of Department and Deputy Head of Department, as well as elections to the Department Board, are prepared by a nomination committee. The Nomination Committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, of which at least one shall be a representative of other employees. The Nomination Committee is appointed by election. The Head of Department decides on the Nomination Committee's term of office. When the nomination committee prepares proposals for Head of Department and Deputy Head of Department, it shall prepare representatives of the student unions with the right to attend, speak and make proposals. The composition and tasks of the Nomination Committee are regulated in Lund University's "Regulations on Elections to the Electoral College and Elections at Faculty and Department Level".
Consultative bodies, preparatory bodies and consultation bodies
At the Department of Political Science, there are several advisory bodies, preparatory bodies and consultation bodies as follows:
Management Team
If necessary, the Head of Department establishes a management group. The Management Team is an advisory and preparatory body linked to the Head of Department. The Management group is led by the Head of Department and normally includes the Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Heads of Department, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Doctoral studies, Responsible for Research Coordination and administrative functions that the Head of Department deems appropriate. The Management Team has no decision-making mandate of its own, and is only support in matters where the Head of Department has a mandate to make decisions.
Working Group on Equality, Non-Discrimination and Diversity
The working group for gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity is an advisory and preparatory body appointed by the Department Board on the proposal of the Head of Department and consists of representatives of teachers, technical/administrative staff, doctoral students and students. The working group is led by a convener.
Committee on Budgets
The Budget Committee is a consultation body for the Head of Department's proposal for the budget and operational plan to the Board. The Budget Committee is appointed annually by the Department Board prior to the budget work and consists of representatives of teachers, technical/administrative staff, doctoral students and students. Economist, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Peace and Conflict Studies and Director of Intelligence Analysis are regularly included. The Head of Department is the convener.
Research Council
The Research Council is an advisory and preparatory body, whose main task is to prepare policy-oriented issues concerning research and to support the department's researchers in their work to apply for external research grants. For the Council, there is a special instruction adopted by the Department Board. The Research Council is appointed by the Head of Department for a period of three years, which coincides with the term of office of the Head of Department. The chair of the Council is held by the Responsible for Research Coordination.
Recruitment Committee
The Recruitment Committee is a consultation body to support the department Management Team in recruitment issues, primarily regarding teaching positions. Permanent members of the Recruitment Committee are co-opted to support the preparation of employment matters.
College of Professors
The College of Professors is a self-organised association of the department's professors. The Collegium is usually responsible for the organisation of the department's general research seminar and acts as an advisory and preparatory body in matters relating to examination for promotion to professor. The Responsible for Research Coordination, is normally the convener. The College has no decision-making mandate of its own.
Communications Council
The Communications Council serves as a channel for capturing various internal stakeholders' perspectives on communication issues and reports and makes recommendations to the department management and board. The composition of the Communications Council is decided by the Head of Department. The department's communications officer is the convener. The Council has no decision-making mandate of its own.
Decision-making boards for doctoral education
At the Department of Political Science, there are special consultation bodies regarding doctoral education as follows:
The Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors is a forum for discussions and positions regarding doctoral education. Meetings are normally held four times a year. The convener is the director of doctoral studies. The College of Supervisors has no formal decision-making power, but is traditionally the collegiate body for establishing guidelines and policies concerning doctoral education.
All supervisors in doctoral education at the department, as well as associate professors and professors, are invited to the meetings of the Board of Supervisors, regardless of whether they are supervisors in doctoral education or not. At one meeting per year, other teachers and researchers at the department are also invited.
Doctoral student council
The Doctoral Student Council is a self-organized association for all doctoral students at the department. The chair receives a certain amount of remuneration (stated in the remuneration rules for doctoral students) for conducting discussions with the department management and being the doctoral student's representative in the Department Board, among other things.
Research groups
At the Department of Political Science, there are a number of research groups, which voluntarily organise researchers with common research interests. These groups meet regularly, organise workshops, invite guests and plan joint research and training activities. The research groups can also be a part of the doctoral education, as they form a meeting place for junior and senior researchers and the activities that take place can be included as course elements in the education.
House Prefect
The House Prefect handles contacts with Akademiska Hus, LU Escalation, LU Service, etc. regarding the operation and maintenance of Eden. The House Prefect also administers the systematic fire protection work and initiates e.g. training and exercises in fire protection and first aid.