Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity
At Lund University and at our Department
In the Lund University Policy for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity the following can be read under the heading aims:
"Lund University aims to be one of the very best European universities. In order to achieve that goal, the knowledge and ambitions of staff and students must be harnessed, and their different perspectives must be allowed to contribute to a creative environment for study, teaching and research. Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity lead to improved quality in the University’s operations.
The University’s operations, founded on the strategic plan and the Discrimination Act, build on equality between the sexes, equal opportunities and diversity. This means that employees, students and those who apply for jobs or study at Lund University are treated and judged without irrelevant consideration to gender, transgender identity, ethnic origin, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age."
Efforts at the department
At the Department of Political Science a working group acts to ensure that all staff and students are guaranteed the right to a work and study environment where each individual's personal integrity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability and age is respected.
The group represents the department's various positions, professions and students and meets regularly to discuss how the efforts concerning gender, equality and diversity can be developed and improved.
Contact: Markus Holdo markus [dot] holdo [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (markus[dot]holdo[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
The Department's action plan for gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity
Learn more about Lund University's Equal Opportunities plan (at Lund University's Staff pages)
For questions on gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity.
Markus Holdo
Associate Professor (convener)
Joel Abdelmoez
Doctoral student
Jessica Blom-Larsson
Study Administrator
Margaux Dandrifosse
Doctoral student
Rola El-Husseini Dean
Associate Professor | Senior Lecturer
Bibi Imre-Millei
Doctoral student
Yi hyun Kang
Jonathan Polk
Student representatives
Hanna Boberg
Karin Hansson