Crisis and contingency planning at the Department of Political Science
Crisis and contingency planning at the Department of Political Science aims to create preparedness for action for a cohesive and clear management and to develop procedures for response to serious incidents of varying magnitude.
On this page you find information about:
- Alert in case of emergency or acute danger
- Inform the head of department immediately upon becoming aware of a serious incident
- The head of department decides whether the incident is serious enough for a local crisis management group to be activated
- Crisis management at Faculty and Department level
- Make yourself reachable to get information in crisis situations
- In the event of death or serious accident of another employee or student
- Crisis contacts
1. Alert in case of emergency or acute danger
- Dial 112! Remember to dial "0" first if you're calling from a desk phone.
- You can also call the University's emergency telephone number 20 700. The emergency phone is available around the clock. You can call the University's emergency telephone in the event of uncertainty, serious incident or other need for security guard support. You can find the number of the university's emergency telephone on the back of your LU card.
- All employees have a right and obligation to initiate contact with the police and rescue services in the event of accidents.
2. Inform the head of department immediately upon becoming aware of a serious incident
- If anyone at the department becomes aware of a serious incident, the head of department must be informed immediately.
- A serious incident usually refers to a severe, usually sudden situation with personal, material, ethical and trust damage or with an imminent risk of damage occurring, or a difficult situation arising from an insidious process. The incident requires immediate action in order to minimize the consequences.
3. The head of department decides whether the incident is serious enough for a local crisis management group to be activated
- The head of department decides whether the incident is serious enough for a local crisis management group to be activated or whether the faculty-wide crisis group is to be convened in the event of a larger and more serious crisis that cannot or should not be handled by an individual department/unit.
- In the event of less serious accidents/incidents, the department is expected to handle this within the framework of regular work organisation, for example through supervisor efforts or peer support. Various resource persons from, for example, the department, occupational health care and student health can also be called in and assist.
4. Crisis management at Faculty and Department level
- The faculty-wide crisis group is convened in the event of a major and more serious crisis that cannot or should not be handled by an individual department/unit.
Crisis and emergency preparedness | Internal Faculty of Social Sciences (
The faculty’s crisis management and contingency plan (PDF, 489 kB, new tab) - When the crisis organisation is activated, the manager responsible for operations steps in as the crisis manager.
- The department's crisis management team shall consist of a basic staff with the following functions: Head of Department (crisis leader and convener), Deputy Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department and/or Director of Studies, Communications Officer, HR and Coordinator. A record keeper must always be present and he or she can be appointed within the crisis management team or be another person.
- At the Department of Political Science, the house prefect is the coordinator and is responsible for ensuring that the crisis plan is followed, is updated, is available to everyone who needs it, and that the various contact information available in the plan is up to date. Furthermore, it is the coordinator's task to assist the head of department in the practical and administrative management work in a crisis situation.
- Depending on the nature of the crisis, more functions can be called in, for example, safety representatives, main student safety representatives and student representatives.
Crisis and disaster planning shall give priority to:
- that a cohesive management and clear division of roles can be quickly established;
- that collaboration with other actors takes place;
- that effective media contacts and effective information to the public, employees, students and relatives take place.
The objectives of intervention are to:
- get an overview of the event;
- coordinating resources;
- help to regain control of events;
- minimize damage and consequences;
- maintain confidence in the institution.
5. Make yourself reachable to get information in crisis situations
All employees should register the number of their work mobile and/or their private mobile number LUCAT in order to be able to quickly receive information in crisis situations. Your private information will not be visible on the web when others search for your contact information.
Update your contact information in LUCAT
All staff and students are encouraged to provide their mobile telephone number in Passport. We can then send text messages to you if we need to.
- Go to the account management portal Passport
- Log in as “User”
- Select “Verification of contact information”
- Follow the instructions
6. In the event of death or serious accident of another employee or student
Information collection
When an employee at the department receives information about, or a rumor of, the death or serious accident of another employee or student at the department, it is important that the employee finds out as much information as possible. To prevent the spread of rumours, it is important that information is spread quickly and that it is accurate. The following questions can guide information gathering:
- Who is the affected person?
- Where does the information come from?
- Who left the message?
- What does the message apply to?
- How can we get back to the person who left the message?
- To whom and where can we turn for more information?
Action plan in the event of death or other serious accident of an employee at the Department of Political Science
- When a member of staff at the department has received information about the death or serious accident of a member of staff, the head of department must be informed immediately.
- The head of department immediately informs all employees at the department, for example by e-mail.
- The head of department, together with coordinators and other resource staff at the department, identifies networks in which the affected person has been active and informs them.
- The head of department, together with the coordinator, informs the faculty management and the human resources department.
- The coordinator arranges appropriate symbols for participation (e.g. candles are lit in the staff room, office or equivalent and that a picture of the person is framed and displayed) in the event of death.
- The coordinator ensures that the victim's phone calls and e-mails are redirected to the appropriate colleague and that Lucat is contacted in the event of death.
- The coordinator arranges for the workplace to send flowers to the affected person and relatives and a wreath for funeral.
- The head of department, together with the coordinator, organises a memorial service at the workplace in the event of death and informs colleagues and relatives of this.
- The head of department represents the Department of Political Science at the funeral and informs all employees of when this will take place. All employees who wish to attend the funeral may do so during working hours.
Crisis help and psychological first aid:
It is the responsibility of the head of department to ensure that crisis help and crisis support are offered if needed or desired.
The head of department, together with the coordinator, investigates whether there is a need for crisis help and/or is desired and ensures that this is offered to those affected, individually and/or in groups.
Resource and support persons who can help with crisis support are:
At the Department of Political Science:
- Safety representative
- Fire Protection Coordinator
At the Occupational Health Service:
Suitable premises to gather in are the staff room/lunch room, 4th floor, Department of Political Science.
Travel and field studies:
See special information under "Travel in the workplace" on the Staff Pages
Action plan in the event of death or other serious accident of a student at the Department of Political Science
If one of the Department of Political Science's students suffers a serious event/accident or dies, it is important that psychological help is available and that there is an organisation that works effectively. To prevent the spread of rumours, it is important that information is spread quickly and that it is correct.
A particular difficulty in dealing with trauma/deaths in students and in organising crisis support is the different nature of the education and courses given at the Department of Political Science. Some courses are characterised by the students knowing each other well and having developed close relationships, while other courses are characterised by the students not knowing each other closer. This means that the crisis organisation may look different for different courses and that different employees/functions are given different tasks depending on which course/education is affected.
Key persons:
For all courses and degree programmes at the Department of Political Science, the director of undergraduate studies, study counsellors and course coordinators are key persons. For courses and training programmes in peace and conflict studies and intelligence analysis, the director is also a key person. For doctoral education, the director of studies for doctoral education, the deputy head of department and supervisor are key persons.
- When an employee at the Department of Political Science has received information about a death or serious accident of a student, the head of department and coordinator must be informed immediately.
- The coordinator or the head of department informs the relevant key persons and other staff.
- In the event of death, the coordinator also informs the student union, LADOK and the student health service.
- The head of department, coordinator and director of studies decide, depending on the course the affected student is taking, the need and extent of information, crisis help and support.
- The head of department, coordinator and director of studies decide which of the key persons has the most and deepest contact with the course group in which the deceased/affected student participated.
- This key person is responsible for ensuring that the gathering is held and that information is given to the students concerned. Who the students concerned are is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends on how well the students know each other
- The information must be shared in a suitable room, which must also have a dignified setting with, for example, flowers and lit candles. The premises must be non-denominational.
- The information can also, if necessary, be designed as a defusing conversation.
- The key person must also assess whether individuals or groups are in need of additional support and crisis conversations and, if so, take care of this.
- The head of department, coordinator, director of studies or key person is responsible for maintaining contact with relatives.
- In the event of death, the coordinator ensures that a wreath/flowers are sent to the funeral at the expense of the Department of Political Science.
Resource and support persons who can help with crisis support are:
- Department of Political Science
- Safety representative
- Fire Protection Coordinator
- Student Health Service
- Student chaplain (can give advice regardless of religion)
- +46 46 35 87 35
- E-post: studentprasterna [dot] lund [at] svenskakyrkan [dot] se (studentprasterna[dot]lund[at]svenskakyrkan[dot]se)
- Read more about the student chaplains on Lund Cathedral's website
- Social Sciences Student Union at Lund University
- E-post: info [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se (info[at]samvetet[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Read more on the Social Sciences Union's website
International Students:
For international students, the same guidelines apply as above, as applicable. In addition, the International Coordinator of the Department of Political Science is responsible for contacting the student's home university and, in consultation with this, taking further measures if necessary.
7: Crisis contacts Department of Political Science
Head of Department – Crisis Manager
Kristina Jönsson
E-post: kristina [dot] jonsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]jonsson[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telefon: +46 46 222 89 43
Deputy Head of Department and Director of Studies
Rikard Bengtsson
Phone: 046-222 89 30
E-mail: rikard [dot] bengtsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (rikard[dot]bengtsson[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Kristina Gröndahl Nilsson, Crisis Coordinator, House Prefect, and Safety Representative
Phone: +46 46 222 80 95
E-mail: kristina [dot] grondahl_nilsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]grondahl_nilsson[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Next of kin/contact relatives: Contact the house prefect/coordinator for access to information about relatives
Important other phone numbers in alphabetical order
- Ambulance order: +46 40 676 93 00
- Drug Information: +46 771 46 70 10
- Emergency Crisis Support: +46 70 732 26 84
- Healthcare Advice/Vårdguiden: +46 1177
- Information in the event of accidents and crises: +46 113 13
- Information in the event of poisoning: +46 8 33 12 31
- Occupational Health Service, Lund University: +46 46 222 32 80
- Police: +46 114 14
- Student healthcare: +46 46 222 43 77
- Student chaplains: +46 46 35 87 35
- Support Centre in Lund: +46 46 359 95 26
- The Swedish Work Environment Authority: +46 10 730 90 00 (hotline 08 – 737 15 55)
Important public information

In case of emergency
On the Staff Pages, you can find information about how you can act in different situations, what help you can get and where you can turn to report an incident.