The Higher Research Seminar: ‘Personal Issue Importance Effects on Voters’ Perceptual Accuracy of Party Issue Positions’ – Zeynep Somer-Topcu, University of Texas
The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. The seminars are open to the public. Welcome to join us!
Wednesdays 13.15 to 14.30 in Eden 367, unless otherwise indicated.
Notice this seminar is on a Thursday
Chair: Professor Jonathan Polk
The Department’s Higher Research Seminar Series | Department of Political Science
Zeynep Somer-Topcu
Associate Professor Department of Government University of Texas at Austin
My research interests are at the intersection of political parties and voter behavior in advanced democracies. My work so far has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, and other journals.
I am currently working on a series of projects examining party campaign rhetoric and party organizational change. My research sheds light on why political parties adopt certain strategies (rhetorical or organizational) and what the electoral and behavioral consequences of these strategies are.
I am the co-winner of the Emerging Scholar Award given by the Political Organizations and Parties section of the American Political Science Association (2013) and have received various other awards for my research.
My undergraduate teaching offerings include European Union Politics, West European Politics, and Comparative Political Parties. At the graduate level, I teach Comparative Political Parties and Comparative Representation and Accountability seminars, as well as Scope and Methods and Statistics I courses as part of the methods sequence.
About the event
Large Conference Room (ED367), Eden, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Lund.
jonathan [dot] polk [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se